When you want to publish an application written in AutoHotKey, you may want to have an installer and an update checker. This Base Frame has both of them! 😄
- Installer
- Add the files and scripts that will be packed into the installer
- The intallers installs the application in a subfolder
- It is able to make a new install or update the application
- Update Checker
- Checks the online available version on every start of the application
- If a new version is available and the user wishes, downloads the intstaller and startst the update process
- License terms
- Automatically adds license terms
- User needs to accept them on install
It's easy to use. After having set everything the first time all settings will be saved. Compiling and publishing a new version will take only about 1 minute!
It's available in English and German. Other translations can be made easily. I am using it for AutoHotFlow and PABI Vokabeltrainer.
I think this base frame is very useful and may become better if following features will be included:
- Install in program files
- Provide an uninstaller
- Allow to choose the installation language by user But those features are very hard to implement. I can't afford it. So it would be fine if you will help me to continue this project.
Alibaba already implemented many functions. I have translated the code into english now to allow you to become a contributor.