Docker setup for Rosetta.
These files are kept separately from Rosetta's source code, so that we can easily reference tagged versions of Rosetta (and Node) in Dockerfiles.
The Docker setup takes the shape of one Docker image (holding both rosetta
and the node
), plus a Docker Compose definition to orchestrate the 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
- one rosetta instance in online mode
- one rosetta instance in offline mode
- one node, started as observer for a chosen actual shard
This 1 + 1 + 1 = 3
setup is usually referred to as an MultiversX Rosetta Squad.
Currently, the Rosetta implementation only supports the native currency (EGLD), while custom currencies (ESDTs) will be supported in the near future. At that point, the Docker setup would contain 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
containers - the additional container being an observer for the metachain (necessary for some pieces of information such as ESDT properties).
Make sure you read this article carefully, before performing the step.
The following command adds the current user to the group "docker":
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
After running the command, you may need to log out from the user session and log back in.
docker image build --no-cache . -t elrond-rosetta:latest -f ./Dockerfile
Run on devnet:
docker compose --file ./docker-compose-devnet.yml --env-file ./devnet.env --project-name elrond-devnet up --detach
Run on mainnet:
docker compose --file ./docker-compose-mainnet.yml --env-file ./mainnet.env --project-name elrond-mainnet up --detach
For devnet:
docker logs elrond-rosetta-observer-devnet --tail 100 --follow
docker logs elrond-rosetta-online-devnet --tail 100 --follow
docker logs elrond-rosetta-offline-devnet --tail 100 --follow
For mainnet:
docker logs elrond-rosetta-observer-mainnet --tail 100 --follow
docker logs elrond-rosetta-online-mainnet --tail 100 --follow
docker logs elrond-rosetta-offline-mainnet --tail 100 --follow
Update the local clone of this repository:
git pull origin
Stop the running containers (devnet):
docker stop elrond-rosetta-observer-devnet
docker stop elrond-rosetta-online-devnet
docker stop elrond-rosetta-offline-devnet
# Or simply:
docker compose --project-name elrond-devnet down
Stop the running containers (mainnet):
docker stop elrond-rosetta-observer-mainnet
docker stop elrond-rosetta-online-mainnet
docker stop elrond-rosetta-offline-mainnet
# Or simply:
docker compose --project-name elrond-mainnet down
Re-build the images as described above, then run the containers again.