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Matthew J. Dovey edited this page Jul 7, 2018 · 15 revisions

Planning on asking questions or contributing?

Please make sure that your GitHub profile says something about your interest in LCF, perhaps which company you're working for or similar. This helps us correctly categorise our responses to questions and our feedback.

How do I become a contributor?

The contributors to this project are currently, Anthony Whitford, Francis Cave and Matthew Dovey. If you belong to a BIC member organisation, please contact one of us or BIC directly. Not sure if your organisation is a BIC member? Please check here:

How to a ask a question?

Anyone can ask a question about the BIC Library Communication Framework. Just add an issue to the issue tracker.

How do I request a change?

Anyone can make suggestions for improvement or clarification of the BIC Library Communication Framework. All requests will be considered and reviewed through the governance processes, which include review through the LCF Technical Panel and the LCR Review Panel. Should the improvment gain backing, it will be included within the next revision of the BIC Library Communication Framework standard. If you would like to request an improvement or a clarification, please raise an issue in the issue tracker.

How do I test my LCF client?

There is a test implementation of the LCF protocol web services available at This provides LCF web services over both HTTP and HTTPS for for development and testing purposes. This will be development alongside the LCF standard to provide a reference server and part of a testing framework for LCF and LCF profiles. The java source code for this implementation can be found at

How do I register an extension to LCF?

The Review Panel meeting on 22nd February 2018 agreed that:

  • Any extension to any LCF Entity must define it's fields in a separate schema, and separate namespace.
  • Any additional service end-point (URL/URI), must be outside of the "/lcf/" path. We recommend "/lcf-extensions/"
  • Any extensions must be registered within the issue tracker, including the schema definition, the URI used and the use case for extension.