I’m a bioinformatics wizard 🧙♂️ who loves to mix science, code, and a sprinkle of chaos to tackle big questions in biology. From cancer research 🧬 to dopamine pathways 🧠, my journey has been as dynamic as the proteins I model!
- 🔬 Bioinformatics Mastermind: Freshly brewed from Freie Universität Berlin, with a knack for modeling, optimization, and systems biology.
- 🧑💻 Code Alchemist: Turning ideas into elegant Python scripts, magical Julia code, and sometimes deciphering Bash spells.
- 🌱 Lifelong Learner: Currently exploring Julia and PKPD models, because science never sleeps (and neither do I after a good coffee ☕).
- 🎸 When I’m not cracking biological puzzles, you’ll find me strumming my ukulele or debating philosophy.
- 🌌 A proud believer that data is the closest thing we have to the Force in real life. May the p-value be ever in your favor!
- 🧩 My favorite pastime? Making sense of messy datasets. It’s like solving a Rubik’s cube, but nerdier.
- 🧪 Bioinformatics Sorcery: High-throughput data analysis, omics, machine learning, and more buzzwords than you can count!
- 💻 Languages Spoken: Julia, Python, R, Bash, Perl (also fluent in sarcasm).
- 🎯 Tools in My Arsenal: GATK, Samtools, BAMtools, LaTeX, and a bottomless pit of curiosity.
- Languages: Julia, Python, R, Bash, Perl
- Tools: Samtools, BAMtools, GATK, Conda, LaTeX
- Specializations: High-throughput data analysis, omics analysis, comparative genomics, machine learning, applied statistics, drug discovery, and data visualization.
💡 Feel free to check out my repositories and collaborate on exciting projects in bioinformatics and computational biology! 🎉 Let’s collaborate, innovate, and turn science fiction into science reality! Feel free to poke around my repos or say hi—I don’t byte (pun intended)!