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A snakemake pipeline improves the gene annotation for cross species analysis of single cell RNA-Seq


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A snakemake pipeline improves the gene annotation for cross species analysis of single cell RNA-Seq.

Droplet-based single-cell RNA-Seq protocols such as 10X Genomics Chromium, cel-seq2 are widely used because of the dramatic increase of throughput for detecting cells. Since these methods only enrich cDNA fragments closed to polyadenylation (polyA) tails, data generated by these protocols is highly biased to the 3’ end of transcripts where the 3’UTR is normally located. The sensitivity and specificity of scRNA-Seq on detecting expressed gene therefore are confounded by the quality of 3’UTR annotation.

Here, we implemented a computational pipeline can improve the tissue or species specific 3’UTR annotation by leveraging on 1) de novo assembly of transcriptome with bulk RNA-Seq data and 2) ortholog of 3’UTR from well-annotated species. We show that ~40%-70% more UMIs can be assigned back to genes after applying this approach to 10X scRNA-Seq data generated from Pig retina, of which the 3’UTRs are pooly annotated.

For version history, see the change log.



  • Miniconda

Miniconda can be installed with user's account:

  wget -c
  conda config --add channels defaults
  conda config --add channels bioconda
  conda config --add channels conda-forge
  • Git (>=2.22.0)
conda install -c conda-forge git
  • Snakemake (>=5.32.0)

Install Snakemake using conda: For installation details, see the instructions in the Snakemake documentation.

conda install snakemake

Or the pipeline can be run via Singualrity.

  • Singualrity

Please check if Singualrity is available:

  singularity run docker://godlovedc/lolcow
/ Learn to pause -- or nothing worthwhile \
\ can catch up to you.                    /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

You need root permission to install singularity, please follow the instructions on Singularity website.


Two approaches for improving gene annotation


DAG of workflow

Without bulk RNA-Seq data

The GTF file can be improved by ortholog mapping. ortholog mapping

With bulk RNA-Seq data

The pipeline can take the mapped bam files as inputs, the GTF file then will be improved by denovo assembly.denovo assembly

If the scRNA-Seq reads are provided

The pipeline then can quantify the provided reads by STARSolo with improved GTF file, the gene count matrix will be saved in 10X h5 format, which can be loaded via other scRNA-Seq analysis package (e.g. Seurat) .full


By applying the workflow to pig retina data, the overall exon length can be extended by two folder on average exonlen. The improvements on either total UMIs detected per sampletotalUMI, or # of detect gene/cell or # of UMIs/cell gene_umi are also shown below.



Step 1: Obtain a copy of this workflow

  1. Create a new github repository using this workflow as a template.
  2. Clone the newly created repository to your local system, into the place where you want to perform the data analysis.
  mkdir ~/src/
  cd ~/src/
  git -c http.sslVerify="false" -c http.proxy=  clone
  cd scrnax/resources/
  tar xvfz tests.tar.gz

Step 2: Configure workflow

Configure the workflow according to your needs via editing the files in the config/ folder. Adjust config.selftest.json to configure the workflow execution.

Step 3: Check if Snakemake is available

  snakemake -v

Step 4: Execute workflow with self-test data

Test your configuration by performing a dry-run via

  cd ~/src/scrnax/
  snakemake --profile config/selftest/ --use-conda -n 

Execute the workflow locally via

  snakemake --profile config/selftest/ --use-conda --cores $N

using $N cores or run it in a HPC environment (slurm) via

    snakemake --profile config/slurm_selftest/ --use-conda

If you not only want to fix the software stack but also the underlying OS, use

    snakemake --profile config/selftest/ --use-conda --use-singularity

in combination with any of the modes above. See the Snakemake documentation for further details.

If the files defined in config file are located outside of current working directory, then the folder or parent folder has to be mounted when running singularity For example, in the conf.json shown below, the files are all located in subfolder of /data/.

  "resultdir": "pigGTF/",
  "goodGTF": "/data/cbsync/referencedata/annotations/homo_sapiens/ensembl/95/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.95.gtf",
  "refGTF": "/data/cbsync/referencedata/annotations/sus_scrofa/ensembl/86/Sus_scrofa.Sscrofa10.2.86.gtf",
  "liftChain": "/data/cbsync/referencedata/annotations/homo_sapiens/ucsc/liftOver/hg38ToSusScr3.over.chain",
  "liftMinMatch": 0.7

Therefore, the /data/ should be mounted by adding --singularity-args "-B /data" at the end of command:

snakemake --profile config/selftest/ --use-conda --use-singularity --singularity-args "-B /data"


  • GTF gene annotation file of poorly annotated species of which the samples are from. (e.g., pig)
  • GTF gene annotation file of well annotated species that are evolutionary closed to the species of interest. (e.g, human), which can be downloaded from Ensembl (e.g., human).
  • LiftOver Chain file defines the ortholog synteny blocks by whole alignment, which can be download from UCSC (e.g, hg38)
  • Bam files of bulk RNA-Seq (optional). These files will be used for denovo assembly.

Config file

After downloading the files aforementioned, put the paths of those files into conf.json. The parameters defined in conf.json are:

Parameters for GTF improvement

  • resultdir: the root path of outputs
  • goodGTF: the GTF file of well annotated species (e.g., human)
  • refGTF: the GTF file of pooly annotated species, of which the samples are from (e.g., pig)
  • liftChain: the chain file for liftOver
  • liftMinMatch: liftOver specific parameter, defines the minimum ratio of bases that must remap, which is range from 0~1
  • bamDir, optional parameters, if the bulk RNASeq data is available, the bamDir defines the path of folder of bam files

Parameters for quantification using STARSolo with improved GTF

The STARSolo can handle any data in which the cell barcode + UMI (read1 for 10X) and cDNA (read2 for 10X) are separated. User needs to define the actual cell barcode length and UMI start position and length when using STARSolo. Please refer to STARSolo manual for details

  • CBLen: cell barcode length, which is 16 for 10X data
  • UMIStart: start position of UMI
  • UMILen: length of UMI

Run pipeline


snakemake --profile config/local/ --use-conda --cores 16 --configfile conf.json --config bamDir='bams/'

Conda + Singularity

snakemake --profile config/local/ --use-conda --use-singularity --cores 16 --configfile conf.json --config bamDir='bams/'


The refined GTFs are three/two GTF files:

  1. {resultdir}/ortholog/fixed.gtf: GTF is refined by ortholog mapping
  2. {resultdir}/denovo/fixed.gtf: GTF is refined by denovo assembly (will be generated only if the bulk RNA-Seq bam files are provided)
  3. {resultdir}/combined.fixed.gtf: GTF is refined by combining ortholog mapping and denovo assembly.

For example:

├── combined.fixed.gtf
├── denovo
│   └── fixed.gtf
└── ortholog
    └── fixed.gtf


In this example, the pig ensembl annotated can be refined by human annotation and scRNA-Seq matched bulk RNA-Seq. (assume the working directory is ~/src/scrnax).

If both the bam files of bulk RNA-Seq and the fastq files of scRNA-Seq are available, you can skip step 4 and step 5. All of analyses, including GTF improvement and gene quantification can be done in step 6.

  • Step 1. Download the pipeline code of scrnax:
mkdir ~/src/
cd ~/src/
git -c http.sslVerify="false" -c http.proxy=  clone
cd scrnax/resources/
tar xvfz tests.tar.gz
  • Step 2. Download the pig and human GTF from Ensembl, the chain file from UCSC:
cd ~/src/scrnax/
# tar xvfz test.tar.gz
mkdir gtfs
cd gtfs
wget -c
wget -c
gzip -d *.gz

cd ../
mkdir liftchain
cd liftchain
wget -c
gzip -d *.gz
  • Step 3. Prepare the conf.json by filling the path of GTFs and liftOver chain file.
cd ~/src/scrnax/
cat <<EOT >conf.json
  "resultdir": "pigGTF/",
  "goodGTF": "gtfs/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.97.gtf",
  "refGTF": "gtfs/Sus_scrofa_usmarc.USMARCv1.0.97.gtf",
  "liftChain": "liftchain/hg38ToSusScr11.over.chain",
  "liftMinMatch": 0.7
  • Step 4. Launch the pipeline for ortholog mapping only.
snakemake --use-singularity --use-conda --profile config/local/ --configfile conf.json

The final improved GTF files are:

├── combined.fixed.gtf
└── ortholog
    └── fixed.gtf
  • Step 5. If the bam files are available, they can be added by either 1) defining in the conf.json or 2) adding "bamDir" when running snakemake. First, some small bam files are provided as an example.
cd ~/src/scrnax/
ls resources/tests/bams/

Define the bamDir in json file (note, the bamDir should be ended with "/"):

cd ~/src/scrnax/
cat <<EOT >conf.json
  "resultdir": "pigGTF/",
  "goodGTF": "gtfs/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.97.gtf",
  "refGTF": "gtfs/Sus_scrofa_usmarc.USMARCv1.0.97.gtf",
  "liftChain": "liftchain/hg38ToSusScr11.over.chain",
  "liftMinMatch": 0.7,
  "bamDir": "resources/tests/bams/"
snakemake --use-singularity --use-conda --profile config/local/ --configfile conf.json

Or it can be provided as an additional parameter: bamDir

cd ~/src/scrnax/
snakemake --use-singularity --use-conda --profile config/local/ --configfile conf.json --config bamDir=resources/tests/bams/

Alternativly, the pipeline can be run on HPC cluster:

snakemake --use-singularity --use-conda --profile config/slurm/ --configfile conf.json --config bamDir=resources/tests/bams/

Now the combined.fixed.gtf and denovo/fixed.gtf should be updated/added in the result folder.

├── combined.fixed.gtf
├── denovo
│   └── fixed.gtf
└── ortholog
    └── fixed.gtf
  • Step 6. If the fastq files of scRNA-Seq are available, the pipeline can offer gene level quantification by using STARSolo with the improved GTF. To provide fastq files, the parameter fastqDir needs to be set in either conf.json file or provided as additional parameter when running the pipeline. By default, the "combined GTF" will be used for quantification. It is possible to quantify the gene expression according to other GTF file by setting countBy.The countBy can be set as: ortholog, devnovo and combined.

Generate new json config file

cd ~/src/scrnax/
cat <<EOT >conf.fastq.json
  "resultdir": "pigGTF/",
  "goodGTF": "gtfs/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.97.gtf",
  "refGTF": "gtfs/Sus_scrofa_usmarc.USMARCv1.0.97.gtf",
  "liftChain": "liftchain/hg38ToSusScr11.over.chain",
  "liftMinMatch": 0.7,
  "_comment_": "starsolo",
  "StarsoloGenome": "resources/tests/Sscrofa10.2.chr12_star2.7.1a/",
  "whitelist": "resources/tests/737K-august-2016.txt",
  "CBLen": 16,
  "UMIStart": 17,
  "UMILen": 10

Quantification with combined GTF:

snakemake --use-singularity --use-conda --profile config/local/ --configfile conf.fastq.json  --config bamDir=resources/tests/bams/ fastqDir=resources/tests/fastqs/ countBy=combined

Quantification with ortholog GTF:

snakemake --use-singularity --use-conda --profile config/local/ --configfile conf.fastq.json  --config bamDir=resources/tests/bams/ fastqDir=resources/tests/fastqs/ countBy=ortholog

Quantification with denovo assembled GTF:

snakemake --use-singularity --use-conda --profile config/local/ --configfile conf.fastq.json  --config bamDir=resources/tests/bams/ fastqDir=resources/tests/fastqs/ countBy=denovo

Command for submitting the jobs to HPC cluster

snakemake --use-singularity --use-conda --profile config/slurm/ --configfile conf.json  --config bamDir=resources/tests/bams/ fastqDir=resources/tests/fastqs/ countBy=combined

The gene count matrix (h5 format) will be stored in subfolder of featureCount folder.

├── combined
│   ├── 736_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.featureCounts.bam
│   ├── 736_001.counts.txt
│   ├── 736_001.counts.txt.summary
│   ├── 736_001.h5
│   ├── 736_001.tsv.gz
│   ├── 736_008.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.featureCounts.bam
│   ├── 736_008.counts.txt
│   ├── 736_008.counts.txt.summary
│   ├── 736_008.h5
│   └── 736_008.tsv.gz
├── denovo
│   ├── 736_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.featureCounts.bam
│   ├── 736_001.counts.txt
│   ├── 736_001.counts.txt.summary
│   ├── 736_001.h5
│   ├── 736_001.tsv.gz
│   ├── 736_008.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.featureCounts.bam
│   ├── 736_008.counts.txt
│   ├── 736_008.counts.txt.summary
│   ├── 736_008.h5
│   └── 736_008.tsv.gz
└── ortholog
    ├── 736_001.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.featureCounts.bam
    ├── 736_001.counts.txt
    ├── 736_001.counts.txt.summary
    ├── 736_001.h5
    ├── 736_001.tsv.gz
    ├── 736_008.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam.featureCounts.bam
    ├── 736_008.counts.txt
    ├── 736_008.counts.txt.summary
    ├── 736_008.h5
    └── 736_008.tsv.gz


Unlock directory

If you have error like:

Error: Directory cannot be locked. Please make sure that no other Snakemake process is trying to create the same files in the following directory:

Please rerun the snakemake command with --unlock option.

snakemake --use-singularity --singularity-args "-B /data" --profile config/local/ --configfile conf.json --config fastqDir=fastqsslim --unlock

Running pipeline outside

You can execute the pipeline in any directory. But you have to specify the path of pipeline script with -s. For example:

snakemake --use-singularity --singularity-args "-B /data" --profile config/local/ -s ~/src/scrnax/workflow/Snakefile --configfile conf.json --config fastqDir=fastqsslim

Change log


Initial release


Gene level quantification via STARSolo with improved GTF


A snakemake pipeline improves the gene annotation for cross species analysis of single cell RNA-Seq







No releases published


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