1.This Project is for Automating the Attendence Process witthout distrubing the class Students & Faculity
- Two WebCams Needed.
i) One for capturing & Recognizing students who entering into the class
ii) Second for capturing and Recognizing Students Who leaving class;
3.Substraction of those Two datas will give presently staying students in the class;
4.With the help of Android App, Mentor will update the attendence by pressing single button in app;
1.By Runnig CreateWebCamData.py , will generate pics for each student in directories
2.By giving input to the CSV.py will generate csv.txt
3.Need to Enter Ids of Students in FindLabel.txt manually
4.By Running LBPHTrainer.py, All the Faces Will be Traind & TrainData.yml produced
i)LBPHFace.py for Checking by giving One Image to the code through comandline
ii)LBPHFaceForLive.py for Actual live processing
6.Result Will Be Saved in Result.txt
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