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This repository consists of two services which is deployed as verticles.

  1. Pricing-service - This verticle built based on vertx-web exposes REST APIs for countries, customers and service_plans.
  2. Price-updater - This verticle runs periodically and updates the customers price to match the service plans price provided it matches the rules.

Build and Deployment steps


  1. Install mysql database and create a database.
  2. Run the db/dbschema.sql to create tables - country, service_plan_info and customer.
  3. If sample data is required, then execute the scripts in the following order -- db/country_201807141344.sql -- db/service_plan_info_201807141348.sql -- db/customer_201807141400.sql
  4. Update the in src/main/resources to reflect your database details

Build jar

git clone repo
cd pricing-service
./gradlew build

Execute pricing-service

java -jar build/libs/pricing-service-1.0-all.jar rest-api

you can access the apis by going to http://localhost:8080. If you like to change the port, pls change app.port in

Execute price-updater

java -jar build/libs/pricing-service-1.0-all.jar price-updater

If you want to change how frequently you want this verticle to be executed, then you can update the priceupdater.job.time in You can also update updater.workload.size in to increase/decrease the number of customers to be processed in a worked thread.

Refer the design document(/design-doc/Pricing-service.docx) for more details on these services and APIs.


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