Program | Link |
Addition of Matrix | .py |
Bubble Sorting | .py |
Efficient Sorting | .py |
Infix to PostFix | .py |
Insertion Sorting | .py |
Linked List | .py |
Matching Deli | .py |
Palindrom Number | .py |
Para Check_html | .py |
Para Checker | .py |
Program based loop for odd and even numbers | .py |
Program based on Reverse of 2 numbers | .py |
Program based on Reverse of 3 digit numbers | .py |
Program based on Reverse of 4 digit numbers using math | .py |
Program based on Swapping of two numbers | .py |
Program based on loop for prime numbers | .py |
Program based on loops for table | .py |
Program based on to check whether the day is hot or cold | .py |
Program to check even and odd | .py |
Program to check positive or negative if it is positive then check weather it is even or odd | .py |
Program to check positive or negative or zero | .py |
Program to check whether a person is in profit or loss | .py |
Properties | .py |
Search Result | .py |
Simulation of Hot Potato game | .py |
Square Matrix | .py |
Stack | .py |
String Reverse | .py |
Absolute Sorting | .py |
Binary Count | .py |
Boolean Algebra | .py |
Building Base | .py |
Common Words | .py |
Count Inversion | .py |
Days Between | .py |
Digits Multiplication | .py |
Even the last | .py |
Fizz Buzz | .py |
Friends | .py |
Index Power | .py |
Monkey Typing | .py |
Most Numbers | .py |
Number Base | .py |
Pangram | .py |
Right to Left | .py |
Secret Message | .py |
The end of other | .py |
Three Words | .py |
Feed Pigeons | .py |
House Password | .py |
How to find friends | .py |
Median | .py |
Moore Neighbourhood | .py |
Non-unique Elements | .py |
Pawn Brotherhood | .py |
The Flat Dictionary | .py |
The Longest Palindromic | .py |
The Most Wanted Letter | .py |
Xs and Os Referee | .py |
GCD | .py .py .py |
Insertion sort | .py .py |
Merge sort | .py .py |
Permute by sorting | .py |
Permute by cyclic | .py |
Longest Common Subsequence | .py .py |
Huffman's code | .py |
Kruskal's code | .py |
Dijkstra's code | .py |
Euclid's code | .py |
Euler's Theorem | .py |
Fermat's Theorem | .py |
Robot with Gear | .py |
Robot without Gear | .py |
Forward, Left, Right | .py |
Light sensors to follow a line | .py |
Path following Robot | .py |
Register obstacles | .py |
BFS | .py |
Do a Square (while loop) | .py |
Doing Steps (for loop) | .py |
Change direction based on condition | .py |
Control speed using switch case | .py |
Simple Class | .py |
OOP init | .py .py |
OOP inheritance | .py |
OOP overriding and overloading | .py |
OOP Encapsulation | .py |
OOP Private | .py |
OOP Polymorphism | .py |
Numpy Array and List | .py |
Matplotlib Boot | .py |
Pandas Boot | .py .py |
Seaborn Boot | .py |
Program | Link |
AreaOfCircle | .java |
AreaOfRectangle | .java |
AverageElement | .java |
CalculateSimpleInterest | .java |
Calculator | .java |
CirclePerimeter | .java |
ConstructorOverloadingg | .java |
Constructorr | .java |
EvenNumberList | .java |
EvenOddNumber | .java |
ExceptionHandelingg | .java |
Factorial | .java |
FibonacciSeries | .java |
HelloWorld | .java |
InhertTest | .java |
InterfaceTest | .java |
JavaClasss | .java |
JavaObject | .java |
MethodsOverloadingg | .java |
MultiInheritance | .java |
MultiThreadingg | .java |
MultipleCatchBlock | .java |
NestingOfMethodss | .java |
OddNumberList | .java |
OverRidingg | .java |
RectanglePerimeter | .java |
ReversalOfAnyNumber | .java |
Reversalof2digits | .java |
Reversalof3digits | .java |
RunnableTest | .java |
SaralPyramid | .java |
SingleInheritance | .java |
SwapTwoNumbers | .java |
ThreadMethods | .java |
ThreadPriority | .java |
ThreadTest | .java |
TotalArea | .java |
TypeCasting | .java |
UltaPyramid | .java |
halfPyramid | .java |
Calculator | .java .java |
JComboBox | .java |
Action Event | .java |
JButton | .java |
JDBC | .java .java |
JDBC output | .java |
JDialog | .java |
JColorChooser | .java .java |
JDesktopPane | .java .java |
JFileChooser | .java |
JScrollPane | .java .java |
JTabbedPane | .java .java .java |
JTable | .java .java .java |
JTextArea | .java |
JTextField | .java |
JTree | .java .java |
Key Event | .java |
JMenu | .java |
JDBC MetaData | .java |
Mouse Event | .java |
JOptionPane | .java |
MultiThreading Runnable | .java |
Signin Form | .java .java .java .java |
JSplitPane | .java .java |
MultiThreading Thread | .java |
Window Event | .java |
IPAddress | .java |
IPAddress Using LH | .java |
InternalFrame | .java |
JLabel | .java |
Loading | .java |
Mixture | .java |
MyClient | .java |
MyServer | .java |
JPanel | .java |
ServingMultipleClients | .java |
SynchronizedMethod | .java |
URLClass | .java |
JToolBar | .java |
Radio and Check Button | .java |
JDBC Prepared Statement | .java |
JDBC insertion and display | .java |
JDBC create | .java |
Generic Servlet | .java |
Current date and time using JSP | .jsp |
Login using Servlet | project |
Reading Cookies | .java |
Operation of a Calculator using Servlet | project |
addition and subtraction EJB | project |
servlet database output | project |
Cookie Play | project |
EvenOdd Servlet | project |
PrimeServlet | project |
Qualification Servlet | project |
Reverse String Servlet | project |
Factorial | project |
Inserting Values to Database | project |
Positive negative | project |
Square Root | project |
Squaring Numbers | project |
Factorial | .java |
Factorial1 | .java |
Palindrome | .java |
Power | .java |
Reverse | .java |
StringLength | .java |
Sum | .java |
Database Login using Servlet | project |
Cookie Country | project |
BFS | .java |
Hill Climbing | .java |
A* | .java |
Robot with Gear | .java |
Robot without Gear | .java |
Forward, Left, Right | .java |
Light sensors to follow a line | .java |
Path following Robot | .java |
Register obstacles | .java |
Do a Square (while loop) | .java |
Doing Steps (for loop) | .java |
Change direction based on condition | .java |
Control speed using switch case | .java |
Time Server Web Service | project |
Complex DataTypes Web Service | project |
Quote for that Day | project |
Socket Message | project |
Multithreaded Prime Numbers | project |
Limit The Number Of Open Connections | project |
Pagesize Offset | .java |
Disk Scheduling | .java |
Page Replacement | project |
Convert NFA to DFA | .java |
Convert Right Linear Grammar to Left Linear Grammar | .java |
Generate SPM | .java |
Generate OPM | .java |
Simple Program Analyzer And Interpreter | project |
Generate DAG | .java |
Loop Unrolling | .java |
Loop Jamming | .java |
Multiplication By Strassens Algorithm | project |
CRUD operations using REST | .txt |
Human Computer Interaction Demo | .java |
CloudSim Existing Algorithm | .java |
Hadoop - CharCount | project |
Hadoop - WordCount | project |
Alon-Matias-Szegedy Algorithm | .java |
Nth Moment | .java |
Java Card Applet | .java |
Hadoop - WordCount | project |
Hadoop - MovieRating | project |
Hadoop - Algebric | project |
Program | Link |
Create Table | .sql .sql |
Factorial | .sql |
Associative Array | .sql |
Break | .sql |
Continue | .sql |
Cursor | .sql |
Case | .sql |
For loop | .sql |
Increment | .sql |
Sequence | .sql |
While loop | .sql |
Exception Handling | .sql |
Ecxeption Propagation | .sql |
Explicit Conversion | .sql |
Explicit Cursor | .sql |
For Loop | .sql |
for update and where current | .sql |
Function | .sql |
Impicit Conversion | .sql |
Implicit Cursor | .sql |
Nested Table | .sql |
No data found Exception | .sql |
Not NULL | .sql |
NULL | .sql |
%Type | .sql |
simple Loop | .sql |
Stored Procedure | .sql |
Too many rows Exception | .sql |
User defined Exception | .sql |
Variable Scope | .sql |
While Loop | .sql |
Simple Package | .sql |
Study of transactions and locks | .sql |
Package 1 | .sql |
Package 2 | .sql |
Data dictionary | .sql |
Dynamic SQL 1 | .sql |
Dynamic SQL 2 | .sql |
Trigger | .sql |
Indexes | .sql |
Vertical Fragmentation | .sql |
Horizontal Fragmentation | .sql |
Replica of Database | .sql |
Temporal Database | .sql |
Active Database | .sql |
OODBMS | .sql |
XML Database | .sql |
Create Tables | .accdb .mdb |
Importing Various Tables | .dts |
Fact table and measures in a Cube | .txt |
A cube with star schema | .txt |
A cube with Snowflake schema | .txt |
Dimension table from Parent-Child schema | .txt |
Roll-up, Drill-down, Slice, and Dice | .txt |
Processing and browsing data from a cube | .txt |
Pre process data imported from external sources | .txt |
Association rules | .txt |
Program | Link |
Frame Layout | .xml |
Linear Layout | .xml |
Relative Layout | .xml |
Table Layout | .xml |
Grid View | project |
List View | project |
Spinner | project |
Calculator | project |
project | |
Network | project |
Notification | project |
Option Menu | project |
Screen Navigation | project |
Listener that downloads an image | project |
Life Cycle | project |
Internal Database | project |
SQLite Database | project |
Location based messaging app | project |
Location based chat messaging app | project |
Program | Link |
First Program | .c |
Strings | .c .c |
Datatype Sizes | .c |
Pointers | .c .c .c |
Format Strings | .c .c |
Typecasting | .c 1.c 2.c 3.c 4.c 5.c |
Command-Line Arguments | .c 1.c 2.c |
Variable Scope | 1.c 2.c 3.c 1.c 2.c |
Memory Segments | .c |
Heap Segment | .c |
Heap Error-Checked | .c |
Address Variables and Storage Classes | a1.c |
Program | Link |
Hello World | .cpp |
Variable & Constant | .cpp |
Array | .cpp |
Struct | .cpp |
Union | .cpp |
Enum | .cpp |
If-else | .cpp |
Switch | .cpp |
For Loop | .cpp |
While Loop | .cpp |
Do While Loop | .cpp |
Nested Loops | .cpp |
Function | .cpp |
Inline Function | .cpp |
Class | .cpp |
Encapsulation | .cpp .cpp |
Pointers | .cpp |
References | .cpp |
Memory Allocation & Deallocation | .cpp |
Splitting Classes | project project |
Class Constructor | project |
Encapsulation | project |
Convert NFA to DFA | .cpp |
Convert Right Linear Grammar to Left Linear Grammar | .cpp |
Generate SPM | .cpp |
Generate OPM | .cpp |
Generate DAG | .cpp |
Loop Splitting | .cpp |
Program | Link |
Print the sum of two numbers | .cs |
Print Hello and your name in a separate line | .cs |
Print the output of multiplication of three numbers which will be entered by the user | .cs |
Print the result of dividing two numbers | .cs |
Swap 2 numbers | .cs |
Exception Divide by zero | .cs |
LinQ GroupBy | .cs |
LinQ Join | .cs |
LinQ OfType | .cs |
LinQ Select | .cs |
LinQ Where | .cs |
Program | Link |
AJAX Simple | .html |
AJAX Partial Refresh | .html |
XML dtd | .dtd |
XML Simple | .xml |
XML Stylesheet | .xsl .xsl |
Compare Validator | .aspx |
Menu | .aspx |
Radio Button | .aspx |
Range Validator | .aspx |
Regular Expression Validator | .aspx |
Required Field | .aspx |
Script Manager | .aspx |
Tree View | .aspx |
Validation Summary | .aspx |
Creating and Opening XMLHttpRequest object | .html |
Applying-templates | .xml .xsl |
Conditional Statement | .xml .xsl .dtd |
Asynchronous XMLHttpRequest | .html .txt |
Synchronous XMLHttpRequest | .html .txt |
Required Field Validator | .php |
Retriving data from database PHP | .php |
jQuery Selector | .html |
jQuery Effect | .html |
jQuery Traversing | .html |
jQuery Callback | .html |
XML DTD Simple Example | .xml |
WCF service returning JSON type | project |
Application to consume Google’s Map/Search | search.html map.html |
Natours | project |
Program | Link |
Simple Network | .pkt |
Using 3 routers and 3 PCs | .pkt |
Using OSPF | .pkt |
Using BGP | .pkt |
DNS for small network | .pkt |
Network cloud and hosts | .md |
Simple Adhoc network | .md |
MANET simulation for AODVUU | .md |
Single mobile network | .md |
Wireless Network | .md |
Program | Link |
Depth First Search | .md |
Hill Climbing | .md |
Dijkstras Algorithm | .md |
Program | Link |
Swift Basics | .swift |
Hello World | project |
Notification HelloEx | project |
Program | Link |
Blink | .ino |
Fade | .ino |
Different Color | .ino |
Digital Input | .ino |
2 Led Blink | .ino |
Basics | 1.ino 2.ino 3.ino 4.ino 5.ino |
LED Blink | .ino ex.ino |
Morse Code | .ino |
Digital Input button | .ino ex.ino |
Digital I/O button/led | .ino |
Read state of Potentiometer | .ino |
LED control using potentiometer | .ino |
RGB Led | 1.ino 2.ino usingLibrary.ino |
Arrays | arrays |
Blink LED using array | .ino |
Photoresistor print sensor value | .ino |
UV light sensor | .ino |
RGB light sensor | .ino |
RGB color sensor and light output | .ino |
Temperature and Humidity (DHT11) | .ino |
Temperature, Heat Index and Humidity (DHT11/DHT21/DHT22) | .ino |
Name | Link |
house | .arff |
weather | .arff |
mnist | .zip |
Name | Link |
Regression Model | .txt |
Forecasting Model | .txt |
Program | Link |
K-shingles | project |
Measuring Similarity Bar Color | project |
Measuring Similarity Euclidean | project |
Compute of given Network | .R .R |
Network as a matrix and other | .R |
Sociograms | .R |
Matrices Transformation | project |
Program | Link |
Node Level measures | .txt |
Shortest Path and Density | .txt |
Equivalence | .txt |
SVD and Factor Analysis | .txt |
2-mode CorePeriphery | .txt |
2-mode Factions | .txt |
Program | Link |
Hello World | .dart |
External Package | project |
Stateful Widget | project |
I am Rich | project |
I am Poor | project |
Layout Challenge | project |
Mi Card | project |
Dice App | project |
Magic 8-ball Challenge | project |
Xylophone | project |
Quizzler | project |
Destini Challenge | project |
Navigator | project |
BMI Calculator | project |
Weather App | project |
Coin Ticker App | project(silver) project(gold) |
Flash Chat | project |
Todo App | project |
Program | Link |
First Component | project |
JSX Basic | project project .js |
JSX Javascript | project |
JSX Conditionals | project |
JSX App Layout | project |
JSX Props | project |
Slot Machine Exercise JSX | project |
JSX Looping | project |
Modules First React Exercise | project |
Default App from Function to Class | project |
Promise | .js |
Monster Rolodex | project |
Pokedex Game (Exercise) | project |
Mouse Move | project |
Components | project |
Seasons (Class Based Components) | project |
Pics (User Input with Forms and Events) | project |
Insurance (Redux) | .js |
Songs (Redux) | project |
Blog (Redux) | project |
Streams | project |
Client (Streams) | project |
Arc Development | project |
Done with It (React-Native) | project |
Program | Link |
Pandas Boot | .py .ipynb ex.ipynb project |
Linear Regression | ex1 |
Logistic Regression cost function | .m |
Logistic Regression | ex2 |
Multi-class Classification and Neural Networks | ex3 |
Neural Network Learning | ex4 |
Regularized Linear Regression and Bias vs Variance | ex5 |
Support Vector Machines | ex6 |
K-Means Clustering and PCA | ex7 |
Anomaly Detection and Recommender Systems | ex8 |
Data Analysis Process | .ipynb project |
NumPy and Pandas for 1D Data | project |
NumPy Boot | .ipynb ipynb ex.ipynb ex.ipynb project |
Intro to Neural Networks | project |
Perceptron | .ipynb project |
Softmax Function | .py |
Cross Entropy | .py |
Gradient Descent | .py .ipynb project |
Analyzing Student Data | .ipynb project |
Implementing Gradient Descent | .py project |
Multilayer Perceptrons | .py |
Backpropagation | .py |
Implementing Backpropagation | .py project |
Predicing Bike Sharing Data (Project) | .ipynb project |
Sentiment Analysis | .ipynb project |
Keras | project |
Keras models and layers | .ipynb .py |
Student Admissions in Keras (Mini Project) | .ipynb project |
IMDB Data in Keras (Mini Project) | .ipynb project |
TensorFlow Linear Function | project |
TensorFlow Softmax | .py |
TensorFlow Cross Entropy | .py |
TensorFlow Mini-batch | .py project1 project2 |
NotMNIST in TensorFlow | .ipynb project |
TensorFlow ReLUs | .py |
Save and Restore TensorFlow Models | .ipynb |
TensorFlow Dropout | .py |
Training an MLP on MNIST (Mini Project) | .ipynb |
CNN Layers | .ipynb |
CNNs for Image Classification | .py |
CNNs in Keras (Mini Project) | .ipynb |
Image Augmentation in Keras (Mini Project) | .ipynb |
Bottleneck Features | .ipynb |
Transfer Learning in Keras | .ipynb |
Tensorflow Convolutional Layers | .py |
Tensorflow Max Pooling Layers | .py |
CNNs in TensorFlow | .ipynb |
Weight Initialization | .ipynb |
A Simple Autoencoder | .ipynb |
Convolutional Autoencoders | .ipynb |
Matplotlib Boot | .ipynb ex.ipynb |
Transfer Learning in TensorFlow | .ipynb |
Dog Breed Classifier (Project) | .ipynb |
Dermatologist AI (Mini Project) | project |
Implementation of RNN and LSTM | .ipynb |
Embeddings and Word2vec | .ipynb |
Sentiment Prediction RNN | .ipynb |
Generate TV Scripts (Project) | .ipynb |
Intro to GANs | ex.ipynb |
Batch Normalization | ex.ipynb |
Deep Convolutional GANs | ex.ipynb |
Generate Faces (Project) | .ipynb |
Semi-Supervised Learning GANs | .ipynb |
Dynamic Programming | .ipynb |
Solving Sudoku with AI (Project) | project |
Introduction to Game Playing | project |
Gradient descent | .ipnb |
First Neural Network | .ipyb |
TinyML Assignment-2-1-13 | .ipynb |
Multi-layer neural network | .ipynb |
Exploring Categorical (DNN) | .ipynb |
TinyML-Assignment-2-2 | .ipynb |
Exploring Convolutions | .ipynb |
Fashion-MNIST Convolutions | .ipynb |
Fashion-MNIST Convolutions Visualizations | .ipynb |
TinyML-Assignment-2-3-9 | .ipynb |
Complex Images | .ipynb |
Image Augmentation | .ipynb |
TinyML-Assignment-2-4-11 | .ipynb |
Tensorflow 2.0 Basic | .ipynb |
Artificial Neural Networks | .ipynb |
Convolutional Neural Network | .ipynb |
TensorFlow fundamentals | .ipynb ex.ipynb |
Neural Network Regression | .ipynb ex.ipynb |
Neural Network Classification | .ipynb ex.ipynb |
Computer Vision and Convolutional Neural Networks | .ipynb ex.ipynb |
Program | Link |
Hello Node | .js |
Importing Node.js Core Modules | project |
Importing Your Own Files | project |
Importing npm Modules | project |
Printing in Color | project |
Getting Input from Users | project |
Argument Parsing with Yargs | project |
Storing Data with JSON | project |
Notes-app | project |
Arrow Function | .js .js |
Asynchronous | .js |
Weather App | project |
HTTP Request | .js |
Content | Link |
Preparing for the build | project |
Building the LFS Cross Toolchain and Temporary Tools | project |
Building the LFS System | project |
Program | Link |
Hello World | .rs |
Hello Cargo | project |
A guessing game | project |
Variables | .rs |
Program | Link |
Fundamentals - I | project |
Fundamentals - II | project |
Fundamentals - III | project |
Fundamentals - IV | project |
Project 1 : Perspective Playground | project |
Beyond the Fundamentals | project |
Vue Developer Environment | project |
Components | project |
Slots | project |
Dynamic Components | project |
Animations | project |
Quiz App | project |
Music App | project |
Slot Properties | project |
Program | Link |
Endpoints for Application Status | |
Application Logging | app.log project |
Docker Walkthrough | project |
Docker for Application Packaging | project |
Deploy Your First Kubernetes Cluster | .txt project |
Kubernetes Resources | .txt exercise.txt project |
Declarative Kubernetes Manifests | .txt exercise.txt |
Program | Link |
Hello world | .go |
Variables | .go |
Variables Exercises | ex1.go ex2.go ex3.go ex4.go ex5.go |
Programming Fundamentals | .go |
Program | Link |
Transition | project |
Program | Link |
Using TypeScript | project |
Understanding TS | project |
Crash TS | project |
Program | Link |
Light with Brightness Switch | .yaml |
Two Switch Relay | .yaml |
IR Remote Receiver Dump | .yaml |
IR Remote Transmitter | .yaml |
Temperature and Humidity | .yaml |
Motion Detection | .yaml |
Switch | .yaml |
RGB Light | .yaml |
Ultra Sonic Tank Level | .yaml |
Program | Link |
Basics | .json |
2 Relay Switch | .json |
Program | Link |
When Dimmer Triggered Change Button State | .rules |
Change state to OFF when Dimmer is at Zero | .rules |
Program | Link |
recon-ng | .md .md |
theHarvester | .md |
Osintgram | .md |
Sherlock | .md |
Google Dorking | .md |
DNS Reconnaissance | .md |
Enumerating Subdomains | .md |
Program | Link |
PCB Workflow | .md |
Breadboard Power Supply | project |
MCU Datalogger | 2 Layer 4 Layer |
Program | Link |
Docker Intro | project |
A NodeJS App | project |
Commands | project |