Terminal Emulator for iOS. based on hterm.js with WKWebView
This is not ssh client. only emulate terminal output.
If need ssh, you could use NMSSH/NMSSH
library. Please see example app.
- supports iOS 11 ~ (iOS 12 or above recommended)
- supports Interface Builder creation
- supports GUI selection, select all, copy, paste
- supports hardware keyboard input
- supports CJK IME (little buggy...)
Please see my blog post (written in Japanese).
See Example Appication.
brew install swiftlint carthage
git clone git@github.com:dnpp73/Terminal.git
cd Terminal/Example
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS --no-use-binaries
open TerminalExample.xcodeproj
If you want to run on a real devices, change the Team
because of code sign problem.
I recommend using Docker. See Dockerize an SSH service
is convenient.
Write your Cartfile
github "dnpp73/Terminal"
and run
carthage bootstrap --cache-builds --no-use-binaries --platform iOS
carthage update --cache-builds --no-use-binaries --platform iOS