A modern vSphere Client
Currently undergoing a major re-write see development
branch for current progress
vSphere connect is a modern vSphere client that has been re-designed to mimic RethinkDB's ReQL and provide a way to construct powerful and complex requests easily. vsphere-connect also provides pseudo-realtime changefeeds that take advantage of the vSphere WaitForUpdatesEx
to provided change events through an RxJS Observable
Return a list of VirtualMachines with 2 CPUs
import VConnect from 'vsphere-connect'
let v = VConnect('vcenter.mydomain.com')
.login('administrator@vsphere.local', 'vmware100')
config: {
hardware: {
numCPU: true
.filter(vm => {
return v.expr(vm)('config')('hardware')('numCPU')
Subscribe to changes on 2 VMs
import VConnect from 'vsphere-connect'
let v = VConnect('vcenter.mydomain.com')
.login('administrator@vsphere.local', 'vmware100')
.get('vm-10', 'vm-54')
change => {
error => {
() => {