- Using jakarta servlets and jsp
- sqlite3 database
- Java 17
- maven >=3.9
- tailwindcss for jsp styling
- apache tomcat - 10.1.15
- Apache NetBeans IDE (v19)
- Add a WebFilter for authorizating protected routes, right now authorizing is completely done inside the servlet
- Error flags should appear in jsp
Project follows a simplifiied MVC pattern
Servlets acts as both views and controllers
Models as acts DTOs and also controllers, since they do database writing and reading
controller logic is distributed 50% to servlets and 50% to models
-> contains all servlets -
-> contains all models -
-> contains all jsp pages -
-> contains css files and images -
-> contains utility functions required for servlets -
-> contains classes for managing database connections -
-> contains context.xml, which is being used for establishing DATABASE connection -
-> contains web.xml, which is deployment descriptor
Project root contains
which contains entire schema of this project -
this project has following database entities
- User
- Tweet
- Follower
- Notification
- Comments
User performs following actions
- creating a tweet
- reading tweets
- deleting his/her tweets
- commenting on other tweets
- deleting his/her comments
- Following and unfollowing other users
- reading notifications
Application will perform following actions
- Notifying followers of a user, about his/her tweets
- Notifying a user, about the comments he got for a tweet
Changes in the schemas can be done as per the requirements
Sessions schema has to be added, for persisting the user sessions to the database
- Authentication is HttpSession based
- Once a user is logged in, users details are added to the session
- As long as user sends the session cookie back to the server with valid details, all requests will be served
- remembering user session id by saving to database
- Adding WebFilters for authorizing protected servlets