ParkEasy is a website that books parking slots in advance for people travelling to crowded locations.
Proect done as a part of the course CS F213: Object Oriented Programming
- create mySQL user with password "1234" and database with name "parkeasy"
- Open backend folder : ParkEasy/Backend.3/Backend/src/main/java/com/example/ParkEasy/
- Run Java Project using IDE (run on port 8080) (made on springboot)
- Open frontend folder : ParkEasy/Frontend/parkease
- Use ParkEasy/Frontend/parkease/ to run frontend (made on react)
- All webpages are run on address: http://localhost:3000/
Anirudh Singh (Front End Developer)
Bharath Variar (Back End Developer)
Adit Danewa (Back End Developer)
Kanika Gandhi (Back End Developer)