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Provides Lot of Customization, Flexibility, Function, Alises, Utilities etc for Shell Command Line

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This Package Provides Shell Utilities for Many Purpose. We tried to Make them Generic and Moduler. Here are few of them

  1. Environment Related Utilities ( Non Empty Environment Variable etc. )
  2. Object Utilities ( Map, Ordered Map etc. )
  3. File Utilities ( Creating Map From Properties Files etc. )
  4. User Input ( Waits for user Inputs )
  5. Kubernetes Helper a. Find Right Context from Multiple Kubernetes Objects for your Resource b. Get Resource Details from Kubernetes and Responds to you c. Parses Your Resources into Multiple Part and Provide Meaning d. Update Your Context with Needed Details like Authentication etc.
  6. Create/Refresh Authentication as and when Needed Automatically
  7. Intercept Command for Pre-Processing and Fire with Added things
  8. Format, UnFormat, Color and re-Direct Text Based on Requirement
  9. Provide Automatic or one Word Access to All Major functionality
  10. Dynamic Documentation, Parses Comment and Generate Documentation
  11. Auto Generate Contents from CSV Sources for Console as well as for Web/HTML
  12. Have Multiple Useful Aliases and Customizations

Map, Ordeed Map, Property Reader, Kubernetes Informer, text Formatter, Substitutor etc with Example

Bhansaliam :

Open Myself

Bhansali_Document :

Utility Function which Parses this File and Generates The Bhansali Documents to Help, The Command "Bhansali" Generating Help Document from the Source on Runtime

Bhansali :

Just type "Bhansali" on Terminal If Bhansali is Followed By Some Special Command then it will Show Help for that Command Else Displaying Help with Pagination ( Press Enter or Space to Scroll, "q" to Quite ) If you Add/Update Command(s) in this Utility with Proper Comment, it will Automatically Be Visible in Bhansali (Help) as well.

  1. Bhansali
  2. Bhansali Find

Kuberam :

Open Myself

Cloud :

Get Kubenetes Result from Pods

Example :
		Cloud -c resource.opensearchcluster.apac.bharat.pune.amaaaaaawtpq47yady45methtrh2yzwonu5ngqgsg7f54zxija -p CP
		Cloud -f health
		Cloud -c resource.opensearchcluster.apac.bharat.pune.amaaaaaawtpq47yady45methtrh2yzwonu5ngqgsg7f54zxija -x "df -H"
    1. -c Cluster Id ( Optional ),
           If Not Passed, Just Shows Data Plane Commands and Exits
           If Given, Defaults to CP
    2. -p Pod Plane ( Optional ) Either CP or DP
3. -f Searches Command From Provided String Pattern, If Posible ( Case In-sensitive )
4. -x In Line Command	# Helpful While Scripting Further Where We DON'T Want Human Intervention

It Helps on Commands on Showing Appropriate Command Lists a. You Can choose any Number from Given List b. You Can Provide Custom Commands as well c. You Can Press ENTER It Enquires Relevant Pod for the Given Command & Shows you Relevant Results In Case, You Don't Provide Anything and Just Press Enter, It will take you to Pod Terminal

cli :

Set Alias "cli" to Point to instead of Directly Executing Command

	cli refresh session

Kind of Command Interceptor It Extract Country & Location From Given Command Adds them in Command Line and Execute Update Kubernetes Configuration Files to Update, If Needed

Auth :

Authenticate the Cloud Session


Creates Cloud Session, If Needed Refreshes Session to Set Later Expiry, If Session is Already Valid ( Cloud Session is Valid for 2 Hours, If not Refershed )

Connect :

Get Kubenetes Result from Pods

	Connect ~/.kube/DEV_MUMBAI_CP resource.opensearchcluster.apac.bharat.pune.amaaaaaawtpq47yady45methtrh2yzwonu5ngqgsg7f54zxija CP "ls -l; df -h; free -m"
1. Kube Config File Path ( Mandatory ), Error Otherwise
2. Cluster Id ( Optional ), If Not Passed, Opens Terminal for CP Pod
3. Pod Plane ( CP or DP ) ( Optional )
	If Not Given, If Cluster Id is Present, Set Pod Plane = DP, Otherwise CP
	If Given Anything which Doesn't Conatin "DP" in Any Case ( Say, XYZ etc ), Default to CP
4. Command List ( Optional )
	Can be Given List of Commands but in Double Quotes ("") Separate them By Semicolon

Collector :

Get Cluster Data

	export ES_ADMIN_PASSWORD=guHW2fI6cVdrAbQAz9zrwMFgvASqLUMxFHa4ADe395K6Wrhoreiok50XkBSMXP9z2 ( If Authentication is Needed )
	Collector resource.opensearchcluster.apac.bharat.pune.amaaaaaawtpq47yady45methtrh2yzwonu5ngqgsg7f54zxija
1. Cluster ID ( Mandatory )
	The Cluster, For which We want to get Details

Find :

Find Kubernetes Configuration File for Given Cluster ID

Find resource.opensearchcluster.apac.bharat.pune.amaaaaaawtpq47yady45methtrh2yzwonu5ngqgsg7f54zxija DP
1. Cluster Id ( Mandatory ), Error Otherwise
2. Pod Plane ( CP or DP ) ( Optional )
	Defaul to DP
	If Given Anything which Doesn't Conatin "CP" in Any Case ( Say, XYZ etc ), Default to DP

Commandor :

List Available Commands to Choose from

           Commandor -c resource.opensearchcluster.apac.bharat.pune.amaaaaaawtpq47yady45methtrh2yzwonu5ngqgsg7f54zxija -r ~/Productivity_Scripts/Resources/ -p CP -s Deleting
           Commandor -f index
   1. -c Cluster Id ( Optional )
           Replaces Value of Variable ${CLUSTER_ID} in Selected Command
           If Not Passed, Lists Data Plane Commands to Choose From, Otherwise control Plane
   2. -f String Pattern ( Optional )
           Searches Property File with Key Pattern Matching Provided Pattern, Case In Sensitive
   3. -r Resource Property File Path ( Optional )
           Shows Commands to choose from that file instead of Default
   4. -p Pod_Plane ( CP or DP ) ( Optional )
           If Cluster Id is NOT Given, Set to DP
           If Cluster Id is Given, Set to CP
   5. -s State ( Optional )
           State of the Cluster
           Replaces Value of Variable ${STATE} in Selected Command

Refresh :

Refreshes Cloud Session, If Session is Valid

Refresher :

Refreshes Cloud Session Continuously, If Session is Valid

Kube_Update :

Add Profile and Auth Parameters in KubeConfig File Under $HOME/.kube Directory

	Kube_Update user5
1. User ( Optional )
	If Not Given, Defaults to user1

kubectl :

Authenticate Before Firing kubectl Commands Intercepts kubectl Command Create A Cloud Session, If Not Created Refreshes Cloud Session, If Session is Already Created

Kuber :

Just type "Kuber" on Terminal If Kuber is Followed By Some Special Command then it will Show Help for that Command Else Displaying Help with Pagination ( Press Enter or Space to Scroll, "q" to Quite ) If you Add, Update Command(s) in this Utility with Proper Comment, it will Automatically Be Visible in Kuber as well.

  1. Kuber
  2. Kuber Find

Kuber_Document :

Utility Function which Parses this File and Generates The Kuber Documents to Help, The Command "Kuber" Generating Help Document from the Source on Runtime

Sevakam :

Open Myself

Dharta :

Script Takes an Input File and a Command(s)/Script to Process 1 Line of it. It will Process First Record for Example and Does the Time Calculation and Wait for User to Confirm Proceeding It will Process all Lines in Input Files with Logic Provided as Second Parameter ( Commands/Script ) It will Display the Output on Standard Input as well as Store it in a File It will Also Convert Multi-Line Output into Comma Separated Single Line Output to Store in CSV ( Excel Like ) File for Better Visualization as well as Program Input It will Add Prefix Output With Line Number, So that We can Relate Input to Output You can find Examples in ../Data/ Directory The Output File Name Can be Seen on Console Output ( Usually Latest in ../Data/Dharta*.csv )

Example :
                   ./ ../Data/Example_Input_IP_OS_Version.csv 'OS=`echo $line | cut -d"," -f2`; echo $OS'
		./ ../Data/Example_Input_IP_OS_Version.csv "`cat ../Data/`"
   1. File Path
	Input File Path ( Mandatory )
	This Script will Process Each Line of That

2. Command(s)
	Single Command or List of Commands ( Preferred In Single Quotes ), Separated By Semicolon
	Which Needs to be Executed on Pod
	We can also Write these Commands in Script and cat that as Parameters
	As Shown in Example
Note :
	Please Note that, We have to use $line as a Place Holder for Each Line
	The Script will Replace it will Actual Values from Input File in Runtime and Process
Note :
	"echo" will be Considered as Output of Script/Command and Stored in Output File.
	Please don't use echo for other Purposes like Debugging etc.
	OR Use "echo >&2 instead"

Sevak :

Just type "Sevak" on Terminal If Sevak is Followed By Some Special Command then it will Show Help for that Command Else Displaying Help with Pagination ( Press Enter or Space to Scroll, "q" to Quite ) If you Add, Update and Command in this Utility with Proper Comment, it will Automatically Be Visible in Sevak as well.

  1. Sevak
  2. Sevak Dharta

Sevak_Document :

Utility Function which Parses this File and Generates The Sevak Documents to Help, The Command "Sevak" Generating Help Document from the Source on Runtime


Provides Lot of Customization, Flexibility, Function, Alises, Utilities etc for Shell Command Line






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