C++ Header-only Color-coded Logging and Error Library with Cross-Platform support and Asynchronous and Synchronous functionality
- A C++20 compatible compiler (clang++ or g++) for colorlog.hpp
- A C++17 compatible compiler for colorlog_cpp17.hpp
- The reason for different versions is colorlog.hpp uses concepts, for type safety checks, introduced and more formalized in c++20.
- CMake (optional, for building examples)
To compile and try the color log tests you can:
Clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:bgorlick/colorlog_cpp.git
cd colorlog_cpp
Type: make
That should run the Makefile and build the tests. You can also use cmake if you prefer.
mkdir -p build
cd build && cmake ..
After building the tests, you can try them out:
./colorlog_unit_test // This will run most of the tests, but you can try individual tests as well.
To compile with clang++:
clang++ -std=c++20 -o colorlog_unit_test colorlog_unit_test.cpp -lpthread
To compile with g++:
g++ -std=c++20 -o colorlog_unit_test colorlog_unit_test.cpp -lpthread
#include "colorlog.hpp"
using namespace colorlog;
LoggerConfig config;
config.log_level = LogLevel::debug;
config.output_mode = OutputMode::Both;
config.log_file_name = "logfile.log";
Logger logger = LoggerFactory::createLogger(config);
logger.info("This is an info message.");
logger.debug("This is a debug message.");
logger.warn(__FILE__, __LINE__, "This is a warning message with file and line info.");
AsyncLogger asyncLogger = LoggerFactory::createAsyncLogger(config);
asyncLogger.log(LogLevel::info, __FILE__, __LINE__, "This is an asynchronous info message.");
LoggerConfig Struct
- Defines the configuration for the logger.
- Members:
- LogLevel log_level = LogLevel::info: Default log level.
- OutputMode output_mode = OutputMode::Console: Default output mode.
- std::string log_file_name: Log file name.
- LogFormatter formatter: Default formatter function.
Logger Class
- Provides logging functionality with color-coded output.
- Functions:
- void set_log_level(LogLevel level): Sets the log level.
- void set_log_level_color(LogLevel level, const std::string& color): Sets the color for a log level.
- void set_output_mode(OutputMode mode): Sets the output mode.
- void set_log_file(const std::string& filename): Sets the log file.
- void set_formatter(LogFormatter formatter): Sets the log formatter.
- template void info(const T& msg): Logs an info message.
- template void debug(const T& msg): Logs a debug message.
- template void warn(const T& msg): Logs a warning message.
- template void error(const T& msg): Logs an error message.
- template void fatal(const T& msg): Logs a fatal message.
- template void trace(const T& msg): Logs a trace message.
- template void info(const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Logs an info message with file and line info.
- template void debug(const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Logs a debug message with file and line info.
- template void warn(const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Logs a warning message with file and line info.
- template void error(const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Logs an error message with file and line info.
- template void fatal(const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Logs a fatal message with file and line info.
- template void trace(const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Logs a trace message with file and line info.
- template void log_optional(LogLevel level, const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Logs an optional message.
- template void log_exception(LogLevel level, const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Logs an exception message.
- void handle_error(const std::exception& e, const std::string& context): Handles an error with context.
- void register_error_handler(const std::string& exception_type, std::function<void(const std::exception&)> handler): Registers an error handler.
- void set_default_error_handler(std::function<void(const std::exception&)> handler): Sets the default error handler.
AsyncLogger Class
- Provides asynchronous logging functionality.
- Functions:
- template void log(LogLevel level, const std::string& file, int line, const T& msg): Asynchronously logs a message.
LoggerFactory Class
- Provides factory methods to create and manage logger instances.
- Functions:
- static Logger createLogger(const LoggerConfig& config = LoggerConfig()): Creates a synchronous logger.
- static AsyncLogger createAsyncLogger(const LoggerConfig& config = LoggerConfig()): Creates an asynchronous logger.
(c) 2024, Benjamin Gorlick | github.com/bgorlick/colorlog_cpp/
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.