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PostgreSQL Database Migrations for Flask with Psycopg


flask-migratepg is a simple migrations tool for Flask and Psycopg 3.

  1. Install and setup the Flask extension.
  2. Place SQL migrations under the subdirectory database/migrations/.
  3. Execute migrations with the command flask migrate execute.


$ pip install flask-migratepg

Setup in application:

from flask import Flask
from flask_migratepg import MigratePg
import os

app = Flask(__name__)
    PSYCOPG_CONNINFO="dbname=example host=localhost user=example password=secret"


Create a new migration SQL file:

$ flask migrate --help
$ flask migrate new --help
$ flask migrate new migration_name

Then to run migrations:

$ flask migrate execute --help
$ flask migrate execute

This will run migrations in alphabetical order and track them in a migrations table.

If there is a failure, the transaction will be rolled back.

Migration Files

Migrations are placed under database/migrations/ as an SQL file (that is, with an .sql filename extension.)

The recommended filename format is YYMMDD_NNN_migration_name.sql, for example, 20240219_001_add_table_accounts.sql.

Statements are separated as per standard SQL conventions with a semicolon.

These are just plain-text standard SQL files. Comments (lines beginning with -- ) will be ignored.