Copilot is a Nova integration with Github Copilot Language Server
actionscript, ada, amber, apacheconfig, applescript, asciidoc, assembly, bash, batch, c, clojure, cmake, cobol, coffeescript, cpp, crystal, csharp, css, csv, d, dart, diff, dockerfile, elixir, elm, erlang, fish, fortran, gitconfig, gitignore, go, gradle, graphql, groovy, haskell, haxe, hjson, html, html+ejs, html+erb, ini, java, javascript, json, json5, julia, kotlin, latex, less, lisp, log, lua, make, makefile, markdown, matlab, mediawiki, mysql, nginxconfig, nim, objective-c, objective-cpp, ocaml, orgmode, pascal, perl, php, plaintext, plsql, postgresql, powershell, prolog, properties, protobuf, python, r, regex, restructuredtext, ruby, rust, sass, scala, scheme, scss, shellscript, smalltalk, sqlite, sql, sshconfig, strings, stylus, svelte, swift, tcl, textile, thrift, toml, tsq, tsql, tsx, typescript, vbnet, verilog, vhdl, vue, xml, yaml, zig, zsh
Copilot extension requires some additional tools to be installed:
- Node.js
- Copilot Language Server
brew install node
mise install node
- Go to
- Click "Download Node.js (LTS)" button to download the .pkg installer
- Double-click the .pkg installer to begin installation.
$ node -v
$ npm -v
npm install @github/copilot-language-server
$ copilot-language-server --version
Once Node and Copilot Language Server are installed we need to set the correct paths in extension settings
Open Extensions > Extension Library > Copilot then select Copilot's Settings tab.
In the Node Path field paste the node
path. In the Copilot Language Server path paste the copilot-language-server
Paths can be found using which
$ which node
$ copilot-language-server
- Go to Extensions > Copilot > Sign In
- Notification should appear with the code
- Copy the code and click "Sign in with Github"
- Switch to your browser and you should see the Github's Device Activation page
- Click "Continue"
- Paste the code you copied earlier
- Click "Continue"
- Click "Authorize Github Copilot Plugin"
- You should see the page with "Congratulations, you're all set!" message
- Close this page and switch back to Nova
- Wait a few seconds and the Notification should appear with the "Authorized" message
- Congratulations. Now you are able to use Copilot
Default shortcut for inline completion command is ^"
The completion provided by copilot-language-server should appear next to your cursor position and autoselected.
There is a another option to use inline completion and it's a completion by typing. This invocation happens on TextEditor.onDidStopChanging
This mode can be enabled in Extensions > Extension Library > Copilot > Settings by enabling the Enable inline completions on typing
WARNING: This is an experimental feature, so be careful not to lose or break your code by using it.
If you encounter issues related to an extension work after updating an extension, copilot-language-server, node, Nova or expired session of Github/Copilot servers you could try to solve them by following these steps:
- Sign out (Extensions -> Copilot -> Sign Out)
- Disable Copilot extension (Extensions -> Extension Library... and uncheck the Copilot from Installed Extensions left sidebar)
- Double-check "Node path" and "Copilot Language Server Path" on the Copilot extension settings page (Extensions -> Extension Library... -> Copilot -> Settings)
- Quit and reopen Nova
- Open your project
- Enable Copilot extension and close extensions window
- Sign in (Extensions -> Copilot -> Sign In)
- At this point the Notification with a Github code should appear
If you still have an issue, don't hesitate to it
Clone repo
git clone
Navigate to project folder
cd nova-copilot
Install dependencies
npm install
Run watch
npm run watch
Enable extension
Extensions > Activate Project as Extension
Clean (cleans copilot.novaextension/Scripts
npm run clean
Build (builds src
to copilot.novaextension/Scripts
npm run build
Watch (rebuilds src
to copilot.novaextension/Scripts
on src
npm run watch