Alexa Custom Skill you may ask to tell you silly jokes. German language only.
Developed as Amazon Alexa Custom Skill using the Sinatra Ruby DSL with Dan Elbert's Alexa Skill Ruby gem.
The Skill's Web Service is hosted on the Heroku platform.
After cloning this repository you need to install Ruby, rbenv and Bundler and than run Bundler on the Gemfile.
$ rbenv local 2.2.0
$ bundle install
$ rbenv rehash
Test localy with ngrok. Do not forget to adopt Alexa endpoint to ngrok's changing forwarding address.
$ rackup -p 3000
$ ngrok http 3000
The following environment variables need to be set:
RACK_ENV: production
(default for Heroku)APPLICATION_ID
, the Amazon Skill IdWEB_CONCURRENCY
, optional, default is 2RAILS_MAX_THREADS
, optional, default is 5PORT
, optional, default is 3000