Application dedicated for climbers to training on hangboard.
The application will be completely rebuilt before release on Google Play. I plan to add:
- tests
- dependency injection
- repository pattern
- shared pref.
- more viewModels than one
- foreground service for timer
- translation to Polish language
- Timer with the ability to set the time of hanging, rest, number of series and repetitions and pause time.
- Possibility to save any number of configurations
- Ability to save training history with details about: grip type, crimp type, additional weight and more.
- Sound alarm when exercise step ends.
- Notification in the notification bar with the current status of the exercise.
- Use build option in Android Studio
The application works on devices with Android 5.0 or higher.
- RoomDb
- Coroutines
- Navigation Component
- Fragments
- RecyclerView
- Broadcast Receiver and Foreground Service
Application uses MVVM
as its architecture pattern. HangboardActivity
the main activity of the app. It is composed of three main fragments: TimerFragment,
SavedConfigurationsFragment and HistoryFragment with Navigation Component
. The ViewModel
of this app is located in HangboardViewModel. Exercise
class is responsible for calculating
the time and running the exercise. RoomDb
support is located in the db folder. Notification uses
Foreground Service
for updates time when app is in the background and Broadcast Receiver
for start and stop command.
Project is in progress.