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Source code for my CICD Pipeline presentation at the 2019 ANST Testers Conference

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Source Code for my CICD presentation at ANST 2019 Testers Conference

Theme: Quality, a collective responsibility

Presentation - Integrating test plans in a CI/CD Pipeline - with Demo

Setting up this CI/CD demo project

  • step 1 - provision servers (staging and production) using Infrastructure as Code with CloudFormation
  • step 2 - stage 1 source version control with CodeCommit
  • step 3 - stage 2 test with CodeBuild
  • step 4 - create central storage to store artifacts with AWS S3
  • step 5 - stage 3 deploy with CodeDeploy
  • step 6 - pipeline orchestration with AWS CodePipeline - use
    • 6a - pipeline without Testing (2 stages)
    • 6b - pipeline with Testing (3 stages)

The Reference Architecture

The Reference Architecture

Pipeline Architecture - without Testing stage

Pipeline Architecture - without Testing stage

Pipeline Architecture - with Testing stage

Pipeline Architecture - with Testing stage

Pipeline results

Pipeline results

Demo Summary

Youtube Video Link to Summary of this tutorial Remember to subscribe to my channel

step by step tutorial for the Demo - No Audio

Link to the step by step video of this tutorial

manually confirm CodeDeploy agent is running on EC2

ssh ec2-user@ -i ~/path/to/your/sshkey sudo service codedeploy-agent status

CodePipeline & CodeBuild needs a central storage to store all artifacts. The codes below will create a bucket and enable versioning

aws s3 mb s3://anst-demo --region eu-west-1  --profile profilename
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket anst-demo --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled --region eu-west-1 --profile profilename

deploy the files into S3 - run this from within the directory that contains appspec.yaml file

aws deploy push --application-name anst-webapp --s3-location s3://anst-demo/codedeployinitialrevision/ --ignore-hidden-files --region eu-west-1 --profile profilename


Source code for my CICD Pipeline presentation at the 2019 ANST Testers Conference






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