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The successor is now developed as part of the community.sap_install collection.

The new name is community.sap_install.sap_hana_install

sap-hana-deployment Ansible Lint Ansible Galaxy Import

This role installs SAP HANA on a RHEL 7.x or 8.x system and applies a permament HANA License.


This role is intended to be used on a RHEL system on which SAP HANA software is to be installed. So your system needs to be installed with the RHEL package groups required for SAP HANA, properly registered, and prepared for HANA installation.

It needs access to the software repositories required to install SAP HANA (see also: How to subscribe SAP HANA systems to the Update Services for SAP Solutions)

You can use the redhat_sap.sap_rhsm Galaxy Role to automate this process.

To install SAP software on Red Hat Enterprise Linux you need some additional packages which come in a special repository. To get this repository you need to have one of the following products:

Click here to achieve a personal developer edition of RHEL for SAP Solutions. Please register as a developer and download the developer edition.

  • Registration Link : Here you can either register a new personal account or link it to an already existing personal Red Hat Network account.
  • Download Link: Here you can download the Installation DVD for RHEL with your previously registered account

NOTE: This is a regular RHEL installation DVD as RHEL for SAP Solutions is no additional product but only a special bundling. The subscription grants you access to the additional packages through our content delivery network(CDN) after installation.

For installing the required software and for configuring required system settings for SAP HANA, use the roles sap-preconfigure and sap-hana-preconfigure from the RHEL System Roles for SAP package or the roles sap.rhel.preconfigure and sap.rhel.hana-preconfigure from the sap.rhel collection on Red Hat Automation Hub or sap.linux.preconfigure and sap.linux.hana-preconfigure from the sap.linux collection on Galaxy.

It is also important that your disks are setup according to the SAP storage requirements for SAP HANA. This BLOG is also quite helpful when sizing HANA systems.

Actions performed by the role

Get a valid user and group id to be used for the SAP HANA installation

In case no user and group ID is provided by using variables sap_hana_deployment_hana_userid or sap_hana_deployment_hana_groupid, a user and group ID is chosen according to certain rules.

Install SAP HANA

1. Check or Set Permissions of relevant SAP directories

The role first checks of sets the permissions of SAP directories /hana/shared, /hana/data, /hana/log, and /usr/sap. The role variables sap_hana_deployment_directories_permissions and sap_hana_deployment_set_permissions are used for this purpose.

2. Make the SAP HANA installation files available

The SAP HANA installation files have to be made available on the managed node before the installation can start. The role can:

  • Use an existing HANA installation directory on the managed node

    In this case, role variable sap_hana_installdir has to be set to the directory in which the hdblcm program is located.

  • Use a SAP HANA installation bundle file (SAR or ZIP) on the managed node, from the control node, or from a third node.

    In this case, the following information has to be provided:

    • The location on the managed node to where the SAP HANA installation bundle file is to be extracted (role variable sap_hana_deployment_hana_extract_path).

    • The name and the existing or desired localtion of the SAP HANA installation bundle file (role variables sap_hana_deployment_bundle_file_name and sap_hana_deployment_bundle_path_mn). In case the installation bundle file is of type SAR, the file name of the SAPCAR executable and its exising or desired location on the managed node has to be specified as well (role variables sap_hana_deployment_sapcar_file_name and sap_hana_deployment_sapcar_path_mn).

    • Further information about where the SAP HANA installation bundle (and SAPCAR file, if applicable) are located on the control node or on a third node, if these files are available on the control node or on a third node.

3. Run the SAP HANA installation

Once the SAP HANA installation files are available on the managed node, the installation is started on the managed node. By specifying a valid argument to variable sap_hana_deployment_addhosts, one or more SAP HANA hosts are added after the installation on the first node has completed, meaning that the role will create a SAP HANA scale-out system.

If the variable sap_hana_deployment_install_primary is set to the value n, then instead of installing a fresh SAP HANA system, additional hosts are added to an existing SAP HANA installation instead, using the argument to variable sap_hana_deployment_addhosts.

4. Apply the SAP HANA license

After a fresh SAP HANA installation has completed, the SAP HANA license can be applied.

Role Variables

variable info required?
sap_hana_deployment_directories_permissions Permissions for /hana/shared, /hana/data, /hana/log, and /usr/sap. Yes
sap_hana_deployment_set_permissions Set or verify permissions for /hana/shared, /hana/data, /hana/log, and /usr/sap. If set to yes, permissions will be set. If set to no, permissions will be verified and the role will abort if one of the permissions is not set correctly. Yes. Default is no.
sap_hana_deployment_install_primary Whether you want to perform a fresh SAP HANA installation or add more hosts to an existing SAP HANA installation. The default is y. yes
sap_hana_installdir SAP HANA directory in which hdblcm is located No, if the location of a SAP HANA installation bundle file is specified using some of the variables below
sap_hana_deployment_hana_extraction_path Directory path on the managed node to where the SAP HANA installation bundle SAR or ZIP file is to be extracted yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_is_on_managed_node Define if the SAP HANA installation bundle file is available on the managed node yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_file_name File name of the SAP HANA installation bundle SAR or ZIP file yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_path_mn Directory path on the managed node where the SAP HANA installation bundle SAR or ZIP file is located yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined
sap_hana_deployment_sapcar_file_name File name of the SAPCAR executable yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined and if the HANA installation bundle file type is "SAR"
sap_hana_deployment_sapcar_path_mn Directory path of the SAPCAR executable on the managed node yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined and if the HANA installation bundle file type is "SAR"
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_is_on_control_node Define if the SAP HANA installation bundle file is available on the control node yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_path_cn Directory path on the control node where the SAP HANA installation bundle SAR or ZIP file is located yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined and if sap_hana_deployment_bundle_is_on_control_node is set to yes
sap_hana_deployment_sapcar_path_cn Directory path on the control node where the SAPCAR executable is located yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined and if sap_hana_deployment_bundle_is_on_control_node is set to yes and if the HANA installation bundle file type is "SAR"
sap_hana_deployment_sap_software_remote_location user, hostname, and directory to specify in which directory the SAP HANA installation bundle SAR or ZIP file is located on a third node yes, if sap_hana_installdir is not defined and if sap_hana_deployment_bundle_is_on_managed_node is set to no and if sap_hana_deployment_bundle_is_on_control_node is set to no
sap_hana_deployment_hdblcm_extraargs Define extra commandline arguments to hdblcm, such as --ignore=check1[,check2] No
sap_hana_deployment_deploy_hostagent Whatever you want to deploy SAP HostAgent or not no, defaulted to n value
sap_hana_deployment_use_master_password Use single master password for all users, created during installation no, defaulted to n value
sap_hana_deployment_common_master_password Common password for both OS users and DB Administrator user (SYSTEM) no, only if sap_hana_deployment_use_master_password is y
sap_hana_deployment_root_password Root User Password yes
sap_hana_deployment_sapadm_password SAP Host Agent User (sapadm) Password no, will take the value from sap_hana_deployment_common_master_password when sap_hana_deployment_use_master_password is y
sap_hana_deployment_sidadm_password Password for user <sid>adm no, will take the value from sap_hana_deployment_common_master_password when sap_hana_deployment_use_master_password is y
sap_hana_deployment_hana_db_system_password Database User (SYSTEM) Password no, will take the value from sap_hana_deployment_common_master_password when sap_hana_deployment_use_master_password is y
sap_hana_deployment_ase_user_password SAP ASE Administrator Password no
sap_hana_deployment_xs_org_password XS Advanced Admin User Password Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y
sap_hana_deployment_lss_user_password Local Secure Store User Password no
sap_hana_deployment_lss_backup_password Local Secure Store Auto Backup Password no
sap_hana_deployment_hana_install_path Installation Path for SAP HANA no, defaulted to /hana/shared value
sap_hana_deployment_hana_sid SAP HANA System ID yes
sap_hana_deployment_hana_instance_number Instance Number yes - note the required double quotes while adding the variable to your inventory so this is interpreted as a string
sap_hana_deployment_hana_env_type System Usage, Valid values: production, test, development or custom no, defaulted to production value
sap_hana_deployment_hana_mem_restrict Restrict maximum memory allocation no, defaulted to y value
sap_hana_deployment_hana_max_mem Maximum Memory Allocation in MB yes (unless sap_hana_deployment_hana_mem_restrict value is n)
sap_hana_deployment_certificates_hostmap Hostname used for generation of self-signed SSL certificates for the SAP Host Agent no
sap_hana_deployment_hana_userid System Administrator User ID (sidadm) no, defaulted to next available user ID
sap_hana_deployment_hana_groupid ID of User Group no, defaulted next available group ID
sap_hana_deployment_system_restart Restart system after machine reboot no, defaulted to n
sap_hana_deployment_create_initial_tenant Create an initial tenant with the SAP HANA installation yes, defaulted to y
sap_hana_deployment_hostname Hostname for the installation (e.g.if a virtual name is to be used) yes, defaulted to the physical hostname
sap_hana_deployment_addhosts a valid 'hostname:role=...,hostname:role=...' string as per SAP HANA Server Installation and Updated Guide. Example: 'host02:role=worker:workergroup=wg01:group=g01,host03:role=worker' Only for HANA scale-out installation or for adding additional hosts to an existing HANA installation
sap_hana_deployment_xs_install Install XS Advanced in the default tenant database no, defaulted to n
sap_hana_deployment_xs_path XS Advanced App Working Path Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y
sap_hana_deployment_xs_orgname Organization Name For Space "SAP" Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y, defaulted to orgname
sap_hana_deployment_xs_org_user XS Advanced Admin User Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y, defaulted to XSA_ADMIN
sap_hana_deployment_xs_prod_space Customer Space Name Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y, defaulted to PROD
sap_hana_deployment_xs_routing_mode Routing Mode (Valid values: ports and hostnames) Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y, defaulted to ports
sap_hana_deployment_xs_domain_name XS Advanced Domain Name Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y
sap_hana_deployment_xs_sap_space_user XS Advanced SAP Space OS User ID Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y
sap_hana_deployment_xs_customer_space_user XS Advanced Customer Space OS User ID Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y
sap_hana_deployment_xs_components XS Advanced Components Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y
sap_hana_deployment_xs_components_nostart Do not start the selected XS Advanced components after installation Only if sap_hana_deployment_xs_install is y, defaulted to none
sap_hana_deployment_lss_user Local Secure Store User ID no
sap_hana_deployment_lss_group Local Secure Store User Group ID no
sap_hana_deployment_apply_license_only Whether to apply a license file only no, defaulted to 'false'
sap_hana_deployment_apply_license Whether to apply a license file after the SAP HANA installation no, defaulted to 'false'
sap_hana_deployment_license_path directory path on the managed node where the HANA DB license file located no, required only if sap_hana_deployment_apply_license true
sap_hana_deployment_license_file_name HANA DB license file name no, required only if sap_hana_deployment_apply_license true

HANA Deployment and HANA License

The role supports two different scenarios: SAP HANA deployment in a RHEL system, with or without applying a SAP HANA DB license, and applying a SAP HANA DB license in an existing deployment only.


Before using this role, ensure that your system has been configured properly to run SAP applications and SAP HANA.

You can use the supported roles sap-preconfigure and sap-hana-preconfigure on RHEL 8 control nodes, which are part of the RHEL for SAP Solutions Subscription.

The upstream version of these role can be found here and here

Example Playbook

    - hosts: servers
      - role: sap-hana-deployment

Example Inventory for an initial SAP HANA installation - HANA software is already extracted on the managed node

sap_hana_installdir: /data/sap-install/SAP_HANA_DATABASE
sap_hana_deployment_hana_install_path: '/hana/shared'
sap_hana_deployment_root_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_sapadm_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_sidadm_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_hana_sid: RHE
sap_hana_deployment_hana_instance_number: "01"
sap_hana_deployment_hana_env_type: development
sap_hana_deployment_hana_mem_restrict: 'n'
sap_hana_deployment_hana_db_system_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_ase_user_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_apply_license: true
sap_hana_deployment_license_path: /data/sap-license
sap_hana_deployment_license_file_name: RHE.txt

Example Inventory for an initial SAP HANA scale-out installation - HANA software SAR file is available on the control node

sap_hana_deployment_bundle_is_on_managed_node: no
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_is_on_control_node: yes
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_path_mn: /data/sap-download
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_path_cn: /data/sap-download
sap_hana_deployment_bundle_file_name: IMDB_SERVER20_045_0-80002031.SAR
sap_hana_deployment_sapcar_path_mn: /usr/local/bin
sap_hana_deployment_sapcar_path_cn: /data/sap-download
sap_hana_deployment_sapcar_file_name: SAPCAR_1211-80000935.EXE
sap_hana_deployment_hana_extraction_path: /data/sap-install
sap_hana_deployment_hana_install_path: '/hana/shared'
sap_hana_deployment_root_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_sapadm_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_sidadm_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_hana_sid: RHE
sap_hana_deployment_hana_instance_number: "01"
sap_hana_deployment_hana_env_type: development
sap_hana_deployment_hana_mem_restrict: 'n'
sap_hana_deployment_hana_db_system_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_ase_user_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_addhosts: 'host02:role=worker:workergroup=wg01:group=g01,host03:role=worker'
sap_hana_deployment_apply_license: true
sap_hana_deployment_license_path: /data/sap-license
sap_hana_deployment_license_file_name: RHE.txt

Example Inventory for adding a new host to an existing SAP HANA installation

sap_hana_deployment_install_primary: no
sap_hana_deployment_hana_install_path: '/hana/shared'
sap_hana_deployment_root_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_sapadm_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_sidadm_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_hana_sid: RHE
sap_hana_deployment_hana_instance_number: "01"
sap_hana_deployment_hana_db_system_password: "R3dh4t123"
sap_hana_deployment_addhosts: 'host04:role=standby'


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Author Information

Red Hat SAP Community of Practice


Deploys SAP HANA on the given hosts







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