vcard2fritzXML is litte tool written in Java to convert a vcard or csv file into an XML file with the format of a Fritz!Box addressbook import file.
Since release 0.4 Java 11 is required.
If you have to use Java 8 use release 0.3.7.
To get to know which dependencies are actually used for this project, take a look at the pom.xml.
The following dependencies are used (status: 2020-12-21):
- com.googlecode.ez-vcard [for managing vcard files]
- org.apache.commons.commons-lang3
- commons-cli [for command line parsing]
- commons-validator
- junit [for JUnit testing]
- org.apache.commons.commons-csv [managing csv files]
- for more see pom.xml
You have the choice:
- build the tool by yourself or
- just downlod the build.
The build is downloadable in releases topic in the Code section. A brief introduction for building the tool can be found in the
For the process to import an address book into the Fritz!Box you have to:
- get your contacts into a vcard file or csv file.
- convert the vcard file into xml file with Fritz!Box format, specify an address book name
- Create an address book in the Fritz!Box with the specified name and import the xml file.
To call the help for vcard2fritzxml:
java -jar /PATH/TO/git-repo/target/vcard2fritzXML-0.4.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h
To create a csv template file (template.csv) in the actual directory:
java -jar /PATH/TO/git-repo/target/vcard2fritzXML-0.4.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t csv -c
To create a vcf template file (template.vcf) in the actual directory:
java -jar /PATH/TO/git-repo/target/vcard2fritzXML-0.4.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t vcf -c
To convert a vcf file from standard out to the Fritz!Box xml format:
cat template.vcf | java -jar vcard2fritzXML-0.4.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t vcf -f -
To convert the vcard file to the Fritz!Box xml format and print out to standard out:
java -jar /PATH/TO/git-repo/target/vcard2fritzXML-0.4.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t vcf -f "<PATH/TO/VCARDFILE.vcf>"
To convert the vcard file to the Fritz!Box xml format and save it to file:
java -jar vcard2fritzXML-0.4.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t vcf -f "<PATH/TO/VCARDFILE.vcf>" -o "<PATH/TO/OUTFILE.xml"
To convert the vcard file to the Fritz!Box xml format and set the address book name to "Syncronized":
java -jar vcard2fritzXML-0.4.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t vcf -f "<PATH/TO/VCARDFILE.vcf>" -n "Syncronized"
Force to convert an utf-8 formatted vcard file under windows to the Fritz!Box xml format:
java -jar vcard2fritzXML-0.4.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar -t vcf -f "<PATH/TO/VCARDFILE.vcf>" -u -o "<PATH/TO/VCARDFILE.vcf>"
Go to your Fritz!Box and create a new Telphonebook named "Addressbook" or as set via command line and recover your Telephonebook with the XML file.
Building the software is tested on the folowing setups:
- Linux (Fedora 34 with OpenJDK 11, Maven 3.6.3) - Release v0.4.2
Importing the xml export is tested on:
- FritzOS 07.21
- FritzOS 07.27
Special thanks to the following persons, who helped making this software better:
- Danny Gräf
- Ludger Kluitmann
- JavaLuigi