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Motion Detector

For this project, OpenGL and OpenCv libraries are used.

This application detects motion from video files and puts the motion in a frame highlight.


Include the following header files:

  • #include “ofMain.h"
  • #include “ofxGui.h"
  • #include “ofxOpenCv.h"
  • #include “ofxCv.h" Declare the relevant parameters inside ofApp class


void ofApp::setup()

This function is called once the program is executed. Load relevant files at this step.

  • Example -> mySound.load("beep.wav"); (This line of code loads the “beep.wav” into mySound object, which is type ofSoundPlayer.)

ofFileDialogResult -> is used to open File Chooser Dialog ofxIntSlider -> is used to declare slider for gui ofVideoPlayer -> is used to declare an openFrameworks video

  • Setup GUI elements Example -> gui.setup(); gui.add(playButton.setup(“Play”)); (This line of code generates the gui panel and adds a Button called “Play”)

void ofApp::update()

This function is called in every frame.

  • use getPixels() to convert ofVideoPlayer object to ofPixels object.
  • use toCv() to convert openFrameworks data to OpenCv data. In our code, toCv() is used to convert ofPixels data to OpenCv supported Matrix type.
  • cvtColor() to apply an adaptive threshold to the Matrix.
  • resize() the Matrix according to scaledWidth and scaledHeight
  • use GaussianBlur on Matrix to reduce the image noise and reduce detail using a Point(25,25).

void ofApp::update()

Example on GaussianBlur alt text

  • create a copy of the current matrix.
  • use absdiff( ) to compute the perelement absolute difference between both matrixes.
  • Apply Treshold Binary.

alt text

  • Use Dilation for 2 iteration on matrix generated by Threshold Binary method.
  • Generate a copy of the Matrix to use for finding contours.

Example result from findContours

alt text

  • Delete the previous Rect type vector by iterating between all members.
  • Use an iteration for every contour and push back contours to a cv::Rect
  • Call toOf() allocate a texture from Matrix
  • Convert ofPixels data to ofTexture type.

void ofApp::draw() This function is used to draw images to the screen. • Video is drawn in this function every frame. • Draw Rectangles.

void ofApp::keyPressed(int key) This function handles key presses.

• Example:

if (key == ' ') { 

(The code above will play the video and play the sound file when space key is pressed.)


Detects Motion in video files






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