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Status Reports

bergermeister edited this page Oct 27, 2011 · 4 revisions

Status Report

Kenny Du - Ed Eisenberger - Nick Iaconis - Sam Stouffer

We are team Food 4 Thought. Our project will help cut down on waste, save time, and reduce expenses. It will keep track of the food in your house, notify you when items are about to expire, and help you manage and plan your meals efficiently.

---------------------------------------- 10 - 27 - 11 ---------------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Continued working on Prototypes for iteration 3
        Grocery List (Add, Remove, Edit)
        Options / Settings
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Maintaining up to date health information
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
What are our plans for next week?
   o Continue work on Prototypes for iteration 3

----------------------------------------- 10 - 24 - 11 ---------------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Finished Elaboration Deliverables
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Maintaining up to date health information
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
What are our plans for next week?
   o Continue work Prototypes for iteration 3:
        Grocery List (Add, Remove, Edit)
        Options / Settings

------------------------------------------ 10 - 20 - 11 ---------------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Held a remote work meeting via skype & google docs
   o Divided up and worked on Elaboration Deliverables
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Maintaining up to date health information
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
What are our plans for next week?
   o Finish and Refine Elaboration Deliverables
   o Begin / Revise Prototypes:
        Grocery List (Add, Remove, Edit)
        Options / Settings

------------------------------------------- 10 - 17 - 11 ---------------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
       o GUI
       o Inventory
            Add, remove, edit
       o Notification
            Runs as local service in background
       o Scanner
            Returns barcode information, no UPC look up yet
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Maintaining up to date health information
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
What are our plans for next week?
   o Work on Elaboration Deliverables
   o Redefine iterations

------------------------------------------ 10 - 13 - 11 ---------------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Continued work on Scanning and Notification Prototypes
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Maintaining up to date health information
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
What are our plans for next week?
   o Begin working on inventory
   o Continue work on Scanning and Notification prototypes
   o Work on Elaboration Deliverables

------------------------------------------ 10 - 11 - 11 ---------------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Began work on Notification prototype
   o Began work on Scanning prototype
   o Tested meetings via Skype
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Resolved: testing platform may be damaged: Charger is damaged
   o Maintaining up to date health information
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
What are our plans for next week?
   o Begin working on inventory
   o Continue work on Scanning prototype
   o Continue work on Notification prototype
   o Work on Elaboration Deliverables

------------------------------------------- 10 - 6 - 11 ------------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Revised Inception Deliverables
   o Submitted Inception Deliverables
   o Revised subsystems
   o Decided to communcate using Skype for the next meeting
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o New: testing platform (physical Android) may be damaged
   o Maintaining up to date health information
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
What are our plans for next week?
   o Continue research on individual subsystems
   o Create Scanning prototype

-------------------------------------------- 10 - 3 - 11 -----------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Finished Inception deliverables
   o Created GUI Prototype
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o New: Maintaining up to date health information
   o New: Integrating Barcode Scanner
   o Using unfamiliar SDK (Android); Resolved: Sufficient research & experimentation
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
What are our plans for next week?
   o Continue research on individual subsystems
   o Begin Iteration 2

--------------------------------------------- 09 - 29 - 11 ---------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Worked on Inception deliverables
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Using unfamiliar SDK (Android)
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
   o Using unfamiliar lagnguage and documentation style
What are our plans for next week?
   o Finish Inception deliverables
   o Continue research on individual subsystems

---------------------------------------------- 09 - 26 - 11 --------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Worked on Inception deliverables
   o Finalized features to include for first iteration
   o Divided into subsystems for first iteration
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Using unknown SDK (Android)
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
   o Using unfamiliar lagnguage and documentation style
What are our plans for next week?
   o Finish Inception deliverables
   o Work on First Iteration deliverable

---------------------------------------------- 09 - 22 - 11 --------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Finished Executive Summary
   o Worked on Dividing Project into Subsystems
   o Found 3rd party app to integrate for Barcode Scanning
   o Wiki started
   o Finalized backbone features
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Using unknown SDK (Android)
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); Resolving: using EGit for Eclipse
   o Using unfamiliar lagnguage and documentation style
What are our plans for next week?
   o Deciding on coding style
   o Continue editing wiki
   o Determine features to include on first iteration
   o Inception deliverables
         + Vision Document
         + User Scenarios
         + Key terms
         + Initial Project Plan
         + Vision statement

-------------------------------------------- 09 - 19 - 11 ----------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Set up Eclipse IDE and Android SDK
   o Set up GitHub repo
   o Began fine tuning features
   o Developed Peer Metrics
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Using unknown SDK (Android)
   o Using unknown version control system (Git); proving challenging, possibly more so than worthwhile
   o Using unfamiliar language
   o Deciding on coding and documentation style
What are our plans for next week?
   o Continue to hammer out features
   o Divide work into subsystems
   o Research Coding Styles
   o Continue Research into 3rd Party Applications
   o Begin Coding
   o Decide on Build Tool
   o Create Wiki

--------------------------------------------- 09 - 15 - 11 ---------------------------------------------

What did we do last week?
   o Determined times for meeting
   o Discussed the project in further detail
   o Compiled and distributed contact information
   o Decided to use Git
   o Decided to use Android SDK with Java
What impediments/risks have we encountered/resolved?
   o Using unknown SDK (Android)
   o Using unfamiliar language
   o Deciding on coding and documentation style
What are our plans for next week?
   o Begin research/setup of Android SDK
   o Set up Git
   o Review Java
   o Decide on specific features
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