This library is a plugin for the Aurelia platform and contains support for multiple endpoints, extending the functionalities supplied by aurelia-fetch-client. This library plays nice with the Sails.js framework.
Talking to your api shouldn't be difficult. You shouldn't have to repeat yourself. You shouldn't need nuclear power plants to make it easier. You should just be able to say "give me that thing!" and be done with it. If only we could do something about that...
You guessed it! We have something for that. Aurelia-api comes with a set of cool features that makes talking to APIs easy and fun.
Aurelia-api is a module wrapped around aurelia-fetch-client that allows you to:
- Perform the usual CRUD
- Supply criteria for your api
- Manage more than one endpoint
- Add defaults
- Add interceptors
- And more
We've simplified installation and usage! This plugin should now be installed using jspm i aurelia-api
or (for webpack) npm i aurelia-api --save
. Make sure you update all references to spoonx/aurelia-api
and remove the spoonx/
prefix (don't forget your config.js, package.json, imports and bundles).
You can find usage examples and the documentation at aurelia-api-doc.
The changelog provides you with information about important changes.
Run npm i aurelia-api --save
from your project root.
Aurelia-api makes use of extends
. So, add following to the build.bundles.dependencies
section of aurelia-project/aurelia.json
"dependencies": [
// ...
// ...
Run jspm i aurelia-api
Add aurelia-api
to the bundles.dist.aurelia.includes
section of build/bundles.js
If the installation results in having forks, try resolving them by running:
jspm inspect --forks
jspm resolve --only registry:package-name@version
jspm inspect --forks
> Installed Forks
> npm:aurelia-dependency-injection 1.0.0-beta.1.2.3 1.0.0-beta.2.1.0
jspm resolve --only npm:aurelia-dependency-injection@1.0.0-beta.2.1.0
Run npm i aurelia-api --save
from your project root.
Add 'aurelia-api'
in the coreBundles.aurelia section
of your webpack.config.js
Npm-based installations pick up the typings automatically. For Jspm-based installations, add to your typings.json
"aurelia-api": "github:spoonx/aurelia-api",
and run typings i
or run
typings i github:spoonx/aurelia-api
Register the plugin and some endpoints.
/* Your other plugins and init code */
.plugin('aurelia-api', config => {
// Register hosts
config.registerEndpoint('api', '/mypath');
config.registerEndpoint('other-api', '/otherpath', {headers: {'Content-Type': 'x-www-form-urlencoded'}});
You can get endpoints with the .getEndpoint()
method on the Config
instance from aurelia-api.
import {inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Config} from 'aurelia-api';
export class MyClass {
constructor(config) {
this.apiEndpoint = config.getEndpoint('api');
.then(users => {
// use your received users.json
All methods will, when the body is passed as an object, stringify the body if the Content-Type
is set to application/json
or convert the body to querystring format for all other set Content-Type
.client // the httpClient instance
.endpoint // name of the endpoint
.find(resource, criteria, options) // GET
.post(resource, body, options) { // POST
.update(resource, criteria, body, options) // PUT
.patch(resource, criteria, body, options) // PATCH
.destroy(resource, criteria, options) // DELETE
.create(resource, body, options) // POST
.request(method, path, body, options) // method