🌱 I’m currently work as odoo devloper at private company
📫 How to reach me benzidan27@yahoo.com
⚡ available for freelancer i can work with:
- flutter (mobile app)
- react (client side)
- nodeJs (fullstack web )
- php (web site)
- pyqt (desktop app with python)
- ruby on rails (rest api)
- fastapi (rest api)
- django (rest api)
- odoo (advance odoo python ,basic odoo javascript ,medium odoo xml)
⚡ I’m currently try to learn:
- advance c++
- qt c++
- nextJs
- the most used aws services
- jenkins (ci/cd)
- github actions
⚡ My tools for devlopment:
- vs code
- android studio 2022
- visual studio 2019
- ubuntu (previously)
- fedora 38 (currently)
⚡ Fun fact :- Food and Music🎵 are the reasons to live.