node-taglib-sharp / Exports / ILosslessAudioCodec
This interface provides information specific to lossless audio codecs. When dealing with an ICodec, if mediaTypes contains LosslessAudio, it is safe to assume that the object also inherits ILosslessAudioCodec and can be recast without issue.
- audioBitrate
- audioChannels
- audioSampleRate
- bitsPerSample
- description
- durationMilliseconds
- mediaTypes
• audioBitrate: number
Bitrate of the audio in kilobits per second represented by the current instance.
• audioChannels: number
Number of channels in the audio represented by the current instance.
• audioSampleRate: number
Sample rate of the audio represented by the current instance.
• bitsPerSample: number
Number of bits per sample in the audio represented by the current instance.
• description: string
Gets a text description of the media represented by the current instance.
• durationMilliseconds: number
Duration of the media in milliseconds represented by the current instance.
Ensure milliseconds is the right way to interpret this field
• mediaTypes: MediaTypes
Types of media represented by the current instance, bitwise combined.