couch_zmq is a zeromq endpoint for couchdb.
Make sure Couchdb is installed on folder above the couch_zmq one. You can also change the path of couchdb installation by passing the path to **COUCHDB_SRC* environment variable..
$ make
(note during development you can use make dev command).
Add couch_zmq_pubsub server to couch configuration file local_dev.ini and edit the [daermons] section:
[daemons] couch_zmq_pubsub={couch_zmq_pubsub, start_link, []}
Start couchdb:
$ export $COUCH_ZMQ=/path/to/couch_zmq $ ERL_FLAGS="-pa $COUCH_ZMQ/ebin -pa $COUCH_ZMQ/deps/zmq/ebin" ./utils/run
Now you can suscribe to zeromq on tcp:// port by default (you can change the uri in section couch_zmq by adding db_updates key.
Here is a simple script in Python to listen db changes:
import zmq context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) socket.connect("tcp://") socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "testdb") while True: msg = socket.recv() print "Got", msg
Start it:
$ python
Then create document in testdb database and listen for it:
$ python Got testdb {"seq":53,"id":"fa1ad2fc27dd45870698b2c199000277","changes":[{"rev":"53-d6de3b672dfe3ff22d176ddc9f2b2be2"}]} Got testdb {"seq":54,"id":"fa1ad2fc27dd45870698b2c199000277","changes":[{"rev":"54-3e896e93ca745d8299d52fed313e8a64"}]} Got testdb {"seq":55,"id":"fa1ad2fc27dd45870698b2c199000277","changes":[{"rev":"55-229b77d591deee30dbde967ca288ced1"}]} Got testdb {"seq":56,"id":"fa1ad2fc27dd45870698b2c199000277","changes":[{"rev":"56-459ad8f3d6e0e99ba2438c715dba5e64"}]}
more soon.
- Full CouchDB API access
- Changes notification handling / clients
- Show the usage of couch_zmq. simple PUB/SUB pattern to sucribe to one or all db changes.