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Benn Thomsen edited this page Nov 12, 2016 · 25 revisions

Welcome the the Advanced BristleBot Wiki. The Advanced BristleBot is a web enabled steerable bristlebot that is able to sense the distance between it obstacles. It is based on the WiFi enabled ESP8266 NodeMCU micro controller board. This Wiki Provides support for using the ESP8266 BristleBot Arduino Sketches to program the device, upload the web App and instructions for using the device.

Pretty BristleBot

This project was inspired by the "To make a better Bristlebot" Instructable.

BristlesBots even have their own page on Wikipedia

The first steerable BristleBot that I know of was developed by BristleBotics a company in New Zealand, where I grew up. This BristleBot is able to follow or avoid light using Light dependent resistors to sense light levels. Science Buddies has a guide so that you can build your own [Light following BristleBot] (])

##Contents Getting Started How to install the IDE and upload your first program

BristleBot Hardware A description of the BristleBot shield and sensors

Programming Exercises A set of tasks to get you familiar with programming and using the BristleBot

Using the BristleBot App A guide to interacting with and controlling the BristleBot using the Web App

Advanced Installation Instructions to download and install the latest versions of the BristleBot Arduino Sketches

##Further Information Using the ESP8266 with the Arduino IDE

Ardunio Home page

Arduino Programming Reference


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