This repo is a collection of scripts I use regularly when working in Canvas. Some of them are for admin purposes, others are for course management and pulling out some student data that is hard to get from the admin or course tools.
To use any of the Python scripts, use pip install -r requirements.txt
install canvasapi
and dependencies. You should do this is a virtual
environment, if possible. Type annotations are Python 3.7+, but scripts should
work in 3.6+. The canvasapi
library is 3.6+ only.
Make a copy of
and set your institution's URL and API keys.
You can import the URL/key pair you want for each script rather than hard-coding
them in each file. This also makes it easier to invalidate keys that are
accidentally exposed.
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
to install development packages. mypy
, and flake8
are for type checks and linting. I don't have many
unittests because many of these scripts are one-offs and not too complex. For
more complicated tools (like assignment_rubrics
), I do have some tests in
place to check the returned dictionary structure.
This is open for contributions if you have scripts you'd like to share. Open a PR with the script file and an updated README with a short description of what it does.
This specifies an assignment and returns a list of user scores with any rubric scores for that assignment. Only Outcomes linked to rubrics are returned.
Return structure
'id': 1234,
'name': 'Last, First',
'rubric': {
'123_456': {
'comments': '',
'points': 3.0,
'rating_id': '7364_2363'
'987_654': {
'comments': '',
'points': 1.0,
'rating_id': '7364_4639'
'score': 92.0
From an Instructure course.csv, batch-associate courses to a blueprint course without needing an SIS ID.
Create a JSON file of all Canvas API methods which can be imported into a Postman collection.
Duplicate an entire course's enrollments into a new course shell without requiring users to accept a new course invitation.
Calculate the average score in a course or a section.
Quickly create several test students without linking them to an email address. Useful if you need throwaway accounts for demonstrations or testing.
Within a course, create a CSV report for all students and assignments marked as
or unsubmitted
Because dummy students don't have emails, they can't accept course invitations. This script will enroll students (users) into any course without sending a confirmation or requiring them to accept an invitation.
This will fill in a score for an assignment if a submission is present. This is helpful if you want to give credit for completion without having to load the gradebook or go through the SpeedGrader.