HomeGenie MIG interface driver for Logitech Harmony. Tested on HarmonyHub on Raspberry Pi 2 and Windows 10. Using https://github.com/hdurdle/harmony for the communication with harmony.
##Installation Install in HomeGenie, use the package "mig_interface_harmony_zip"
The interface has 3 settings that are required (set these before enableing the interface:
- Username (required): Username to the Logitech's web service. ex username@somemail.com
- Password (required): Password to the Logitech's web service
- IPAddress (required): Local ip-address to harmony hub
- Experimental: 1-2
Goto configure modules and add the desired activities
##Features Currently the interface supports the following:
- Reading all harmony activities and adding them to HomeGenie
- Starting and stopping activities
##Next steps
- Adding the settings to the GUI, this should be straight forward
- Improving Session handling
- Add support for remote control buttons (again, should be an easy task)
- Custom widget
- Refactoring and bugfixes, not very clean at the moment ::)