This program will suggest additions to a pokemon team based on your current team. Currently, tier, battle style, and type resistances are the primary methods of suggesting a pokemon. The recommendation engine also keeps in mind the types already in your team.
NOTE: The program assumes you are battling in the tier of your highest tiered pokemon. Currently only Generation I pokemon are supported with the addition of steel, fairy, and dark types.
Offensive strategy is left up to the pokemon trainer. :-)
- Use the drop-down menus to select your current team. (for best results, do not skip any spaces, use a left to right approach)
- LOCK IN your pokemon when you are sure the correct one is loaded.
- When all your pokemon are locked in, press the "Make Best Team" button.
- Your suggested team should now be autopopulated in the program window.
- If you would like to unlock pokemon previously selected, or make a new team, press the "Reset" button.