Secret Santa Bot is a simple telegram bot for ones who want to attend secret santa with friends
Bot is able to:
- Create unique room for people attending secret santa
- Randomly distribute pairs
- This bot was written in a hurry, hence there might be some bugs. Be gentle :)
- I am planning on fixing critical errors, so please submit issues
Download and install the latest version of Node.js
Clone this repo (or download latest release), create one dir and install dependencies:
git clone
cd secret-santa-bot
mkdir roomdata
npm install
Insert your bot token into package.json to npm run app:
"scripts": {
"app": "TOKEN=yourToken node app.js",
"test": "mocha"
Or right into app.js:
const bot = new Telegraf('token');
Launch your application with pm2, node or npm
node app.js
If you want to host the room, just press "Create" button, enter your name and send room code to your friends. As soon as everyone joined press "Start" and everyone will be messaged with the persons name who you are supposed to prepare present for. Press cancel at any time, and your room will be deleted
You can only create one room, but are able to join multiple ones (even your own. Twice. Its not a bug, but a feature i promise)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.