This project contains code for the following paper:
Nora Hollenstein, Lisa Beinborn (2021):
Relative Importance for Sentence Processing
to appear in the proceedings of ACL 2021
In order to re-run our analyses, simply run python
. Some calculations take a bit more time. Feel free to comment them out.
If you want to reproduce the data extraction, run python
. Note that this takes quite long. You need to make sure that you have downloaded the eye-tracking corpora (see extract_human_fixations/ for details).
If you want to run the code for another model, you need to modify
You can also add another eye-tracking dataset there but you would need to implement a new data_extractor. Note that aligning the tokenization of eye-tracking corpora with the language model tokenizers can be tricky.
extract_human_fixations: code to extract the relative fixation duration from two eye-tracking corpora and average it over all subjects. The two corpora are GECO and ZUCO.
extract_model_importance: code to extract saliency-based and attention-based importance from transformer-based language models.
analysis: code to compare and analyze patterns of importance in the human fixation durations and the model data. Also contains code to replicate the plots in the paper.
plots: contains all plots.
results: contains intermediate results.
Python should be <= 3.8.
We use the following packages (see requirements.txt):
numpy (1.19.5), tensorflow (2.4.1), transformers (4.2.2), scikit-learn (0.22.2), spacy (2.3.5), wordfreq (2.3.2), scipy (1.4.1)
Note that later versions of transformers might lead to errors.
To install, create and activate a virtual environment and run:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
For the more fine-grained analyses (POS-tags, word frequencies), you need to download the English spaCy model en_core_web_md to your virtual environment:
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md