This library is a RabbitMQ HTTP API client for the Go language.
Rabbit Hole supports the last 2 stable Go versions, as well as the version in development (a.k.a. master).
- RabbitMQ
is the primary target series - Almost all API endpoints work against RabbitMQ
nodes but some metrics and stats may be missing
All versions require RabbitMQ Management UI plugin to be installed and enabled.
Rabbit Hole is a mature library (first released in late 2013) designed after a couple of other RabbitMQ HTTP API clients with stable APIs. Breaking API changes are not out of the question but not without a reasonable version bump.
It is largely feature complete and decently documented.
If upgrading from an earlier release, please consult with the change log.
go get
API reference is available on
Continue reading for a list of example snippets.
To import the package:
import (
All HTTP API operations are accessible via rabbithole.Client
, which
should be instantiated with rabbithole.NewClient
// URI, username, password
rmqc, _ = NewClient("", "guest", "guest")
TLS (HTTPS) can be enabled by adding an HTTP transport to the parameters
of rabbithole.NewTLSClient
transport := &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig}
rmqc, _ := NewTLSClient("", "guest", "guest", transport)
RabbitMQ HTTP API has to be configured to use TLS.
res, err := rmqc.Overview()
xs, err := rmqc.ListNodes()
// => []NodeInfo, err
node, err := rmqc.GetNode("rabbit@mercurio")
// => NodeInfo, err
xs, err := rmqc.ListConnections()
// => []ConnectionInfo, err
conn, err := rmqc.GetConnection(" ->")
// => ConnectionInfo, err
// Forcefully close connection
_, err := rmqc.CloseConnection(" ->")
// => *http.Response, err
xs, err := rmqc.ListChannels()
// => []ChannelInfo, err
ch, err := rmqc.GetChannel(" -> (1)")
// => ChannelInfo, err
xs, err := rmqc.ListVhosts()
// => []VhostInfo, err
// information about individual vhost
x, err := rmqc.GetVhost("/")
// => VhostInfo, err
// creates or updates individual vhost
resp, err := rmqc.PutVhost("/", VhostSettings{Tracing: false})
// => *http.Response, err
// deletes individual vhost
resp, err := rmqc.DeleteVhost("/")
// => *http.Response, err
xs, err := rmqc.ListUsers()
// => []UserInfo, err
// information about individual user
x, err := rmqc.GetUser("my.user")
// => UserInfo, err
// creates or updates individual user
resp, err := rmqc.PutUser("my.user", UserSettings{Password: "s3krE7", Tags: "management,policymaker"})
// => *http.Response, err
// creates or updates individual user with no password
resp, err := rmqc.PutUserWithoutPassword("my.user", UserSettings{Tags: "management,policymaker"})
// => *http.Response, err
// deletes individual user
resp, err := rmqc.DeleteUser("my.user")
// => *http.Response, err
// creates or updates individual user with a SHA256 password hash
hash := SaltedPasswordHashSHA256("password-s3krE7")
resp, err := rmqc.PutUser("my.user", UserSettings{
PasswordHash: hash,
HashingAlgorithm: HashingAlgorithmSHA256,
Tags: "management,policymaker"})
// => *http.Response, err
xs, err := rmqc.ListPermissions()
// => []PermissionInfo, err
// permissions of individual user
x, err := rmqc.ListPermissionsOf("my.user")
// => []PermissionInfo, err
// permissions of individual user in vhost
x, err := rmqc.GetPermissionsIn("/", "my.user")
// => PermissionInfo, err
// updates permissions of user in vhost
resp, err := rmqc.UpdatePermissionsIn("/", "my.user", Permissions{Configure: ".*", Write: ".*", Read: ".*"})
// => *http.Response, err
// revokes permissions in vhost
resp, err := rmqc.ClearPermissionsIn("/", "my.user")
// => *http.Response, err
xs, err := rmqc.ListExchanges()
// => []ExchangeInfo, err
// list exchanges in a vhost
xs, err := rmqc.ListExchangesIn("/")
// => []ExchangeInfo, err
// information about individual exchange
x, err := rmqc.GetExchange("/", "amq.fanout")
// => ExchangeInfo, err
// declares an exchange
resp, err := rmqc.DeclareExchange("/", "", ExchangeSettings{Type: "fanout", Durable: false})
// => *http.Response, err
// deletes individual exchange
resp, err := rmqc.DeleteExchange("/", "")
// => *http.Response, err
qs, err := rmqc.ListQueues()
// => []QueueInfo, err
// list queues in a vhost
qs, err := rmqc.ListQueuesIn("/")
// => []QueueInfo, err
// information about individual queue
q, err := rmqc.GetQueue("/", "a.queue")
// => QueueInfo, err
// declares a queue
resp, err := rmqc.DeclareQueue("/", "a.queue", QueueSettings{Durable: false})
// => *http.Response, err
// deletes individual queue
resp, err := rmqc.DeleteQueue("/", "a.queue")
// => *http.Response, err
// purges all messages in queue
resp, err := rmqc.PurgeQueue("/", "a.queue")
// => *http.Response, err
// synchronises all messages in queue with the rest of mirrors in the cluster
resp, err := rmqc.SyncQueue("/", "a.queue")
// => *http.Response, err
// cancels queue synchronisation process
resp, err := rmqc.CancelSyncQueue("/", "a.queue")
// => *http.Response, err
bs, err := rmqc.ListBindings()
// => []BindingInfo, err
// list bindings in a vhost
bs, err := rmqc.ListBindingsIn("/")
// => []BindingInfo, err
// list bindings of a queue
bs, err := rmqc.ListQueueBindings("/", "a.queue")
// => []BindingInfo, err
// list all bindings having the exchange as source
bs1, err := rmqc.ListExchangeBindingsWithSource("/", "")
// => []BindingInfo, err
// list all bindings having the exchange as destinattion
bs2, err := rmqc.ListExchangeBindingsWithDestination("/", "")
// => []BindingInfo, err
// declare a binding
resp, err := rmqc.DeclareBinding("/", BindingInfo{
Source: "",
Destination: "a.queue",
DestinationType: "queue",
RoutingKey: "#",
// => *http.Response, err
// deletes individual binding
resp, err := rmqc.DeleteBinding("/", BindingInfo{
Source: "",
Destination: "a.queue",
DestinationType: "queue",
RoutingKey: "#",
PropertiesKey: "%23",
// => *http.Response, err
qs, err := rmqc.ListShovels()
// => []ShovelInfo, err
// list shovels in a vhost
qs, err := rmqc.ListShovelsIn("/")
// => []ShovelInfo, err
// information about an individual shovel
q, err := rmqc.GetShovel("/", "a.shovel")
// => ShovelInfo, err
// declares a shovel
shovelDetails := rabbithole.ShovelDefinition{SourceURI: "amqp://sourceURI", SourceQueue: "mySourceQueue", DestinationURI: "amqp://destinationURI", DestinationQueue: "myDestQueue", AddForwardHeaders: true, AckMode: "on-confirm", DeleteAfter: "never"}
resp, err := rmqc.DeclareShovel("/", "a.shovel", shovelDetails)
// => *http.Response, err
// deletes an individual shovel
resp, err := rmqc.DeleteShovel("/", "a.shovel")
// => *http.Response, err
// Get cluster name
cn, err := rmqc.GetClusterName()
// => ClusterName, err
// Rename cluster
resp, err := rmqc.SetClusterName(ClusterName{Name: "rabbitmq@rabbit-hole"})
// => *http.Response, err
var tlsConfig *tls.Config
transport := &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig}
rmqc, err := NewTLSClient("", "guest", "guest", transport)
var transport http.RoundTripper
2-clause BSD license.
(c) Michael S. Klishin, 2013-2019.