Bulk loans transfer from a user to another user with Alma Offline circulation
Create one or more .dat files to upload in Alma Offline Circulation tool [2]
- check if both users id exist in Alma
- check if user_from has loans
- create a .dat file for every loans libraries and circulation desks
- every .dat file perfom items returns from user_from and loans to user_to, at the same date and time of initial loan (plus one minute for return and two minutes for reloan)
- if loans are renewed a event error is possible trying to upload in offline circulation: since there is no possibility to obtain the last renew date the script can set the return/reloan date n days prior to due date
- date and time in UTC format are automatically adjusted to the local time
python loantransfer.py [user_id_from] [user_id_to]
python loantransfer.py [user_id_from] [user_id_to] -d 30
In Alma Circulation tool upload the .dat file/s selecting previously the correct library/circulation desk.
No installation needed, simply download loantransfer.py in a rw directory. In the ini-section add your institution Alma user API key and API server baseurl [3].
- Python 3.x with modules: requests, time, datetime, xml.etree, argparse
- Alma Ex Libris
- User API access and key
- Nazzareno Bedini - University of Pisa
- [1] Alma Bulk Loan Transfer Using Analytics and Offline Circ. The script is inspired by this Alma developers tech blog post.
- [2] Offline Circulation . Alma Offline Circulation Tool.
- [3] General info to start to works with Alma's APIs - HowTo obtain the API key for your environment.