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A verbose LaTeX Bibliography Style (bst) with local file links for collecting and organizing references

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A verbose LaTeX Bibliography Style (bst) with local file links for collecting and organizing references

This tool is an extension of IEEEtran.bst ( with some additional features. I use it as part of my private bibliography: an informal Latex document I built to collect and organize frequently-used references. It is not intended for use in publications.

For lack of a better name, I call this tool "IEEEtranplus".

Key features

  1. Supports a file field in BibTeX entries which links to one or more documents on your local computer. This should be compatible with the file field used by JabRef.

  2. A verbose output of additional fields which are useful when collecting/organizing a repository of references:

    • url: A url to the publisher webpage (or other relevant url).
    • docurl: An alternate url that links directly to the document. For example, you could link to a copy of the document available online or through a library.
    • library: A free-form text field to list library call number, or other relevant info.
    • citekey: Displays the citation key for the entry. This makes it easy to copy and paste when you want to cite.
    • note: A free form text field for storing notes regarding the reference.
  3. Provides a LaTeX script IEEEtranplus.tex with useful features:

    • Includes the hyperref package, which is needed by IEEEtranplus.bst.
    • Include backref package to indicate where in the document a reference is cited. This is useful for jumping back and forth between the document and references.
    • Various fixes for searching for text within a PDF document (to handle ligatures and underscores).


Example BibTeX entry:

      author    = "Whitehead, Alfred North and Russell, Bertrand Arthur William",
      title     = "{Principia mathematica; 2nd ed.}",
      publisher = "Cambridge Univ. Press",
      year      = "1927",
      url       = "",
      docurl    = "",
      file      = "Volume 1:PrincipiaMathematicaVol1.pdf;Volume 2:PrincipiaMathematicaVol2.pdf;Volume 3:PrincipiaMathematicaVol3.pdf",
      library   = "Library of Congress: QA9.W5 1925",
      note      = "The book can also be viewed online here: \href{}{Library of Congress}",

Produces the following output:

[1] A. N. Whitehead and B. A. W. Russell, Principia mathematica; 2nd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1927
    FILE: PrincipiaMathematicaVol1.pdf Volume 1
    FILE: PrincipiaMathematicaVol2.pdf Volume 2
    FILE: PrincipiaMathematicaVol3.pdf Volume 3
    LIBRARY: Library of Congress: QA9.W5 1925
    NOTE: The book can also be viewed online here: Library of Congress
    CITEKEY: PrincipiaMathematica:1927
    CITATIONS: page 1

Note that each field is displayed on its own line. Though this format is very verbose and can significantly extend the length of the document, I find it useful for my private bibliography to have all the info displayed in one place for easy browsing.

Full example documents are given in the examples folder.


  • Optionally, include the IEEEtranplus.tex script in your document header to provide useful features. Use the command: \input{IEEEtranplus}

  • Make sure to include package hyperref for links to work properly (this is already included in IEEEtranplus.tex). Use the command: \usepackage{hyperref} in your header.

  • Call out the IEEEtranplus.bst style in your document using the command: \bibliographystyle{IEEEtranplus}

  • The referenced files should be put in a ref subfolder under the folder where your compiled PDF is located (this folder is configurable by editing the IEEEplanplus.bst file's file.folder function). Then, depending on the PDF viewer you are using, you should be able to click on the file name in the PDF and the file will open. This works in some PDF viewers such as Adobe Acrobat (tested on Windows). Many PDF viewers allow you to hold the "ctrl" key when clicking on the file to open it in a new tab/window.

  • The format of the file field is as follows:

    • For a single file: FILE = "description:file" or FILE = {description:file} (as with other fields, you can use double quotes or curly braces).
    • The description is optional, i.e., you could just call out FILE = "file"
    • For multiple files, separate with a semicolon. For example:FILE = "description1:file1;description2:file2"
    • A file type can be provided. For example FILE = description:file.pdf:PDF. This type is only included for compatibility with JabRef, and IEEEtranplus.bst does not use this type in any way.
  • There are various option flags in the "Options for IEEEtranplus" section of IEEEtranplus.bst, which can be enabled/disabled.

Technical Notes

  • The function escapechar performs escaping of special characters. This function might need to be updated to support additional special characters in the future.

  • The file field can handle HTML unicode entities (like ,) in the file name. However, there is an issue with the hash tag # when used in a link within the \href command, even if it is escaped as \#. I am not sure how to resolve this. Even if this is resolved, e.g. using the \url command, it seems there are still issues with the PDF reader properly handling this case, so it is best to avoid using them anyway. Maybe this could be resolved by changing the category code of the # character.

  • The parsing logic for the file field is based on the code/algorithm found in the JabRef source code (version 4.3.1) inside the following files:

    • org/jabref/model/entry/
    • org/jabref/model/entry/
  • To include citation keys in the references, you could also use the showkeys package. The main reason I included this functionality directly in IEEEtranplus.bst is to show the key in-line with the text. Though showkeys is a great package, I had truncation/overlap issues with long keys or when in two column mode

  • Debugging tips:

    • Some useful debugging commands for BST files:

      • Print debug message in log: "message" top$
      • Show element on top of stack: duplicate$ top$
    • In MikTex, to see the .bbl file, perform separate compiles using PdfLatex first, and then BibText second. The .bbl should then be present in the working folder. Running PdfLatex again will make the final PDF from this .bbl file (you can edit the bbl and rerun PdfLatex during debugging).

  • The BibLaTeX package documentation ( was used as a reference when writing this tool. Note that the documentation does call out a library field, though I have never seen it used elsewhere.

  • The file IEEEtranplus.bst is a Derived Work (as defined under the LaTeX Project Public License) written by Andre Beckus. The Original Work is as follows:


  • This file.
  • IEEEtranplus.bst: The main LaTeX Bibliography Style. Provides the core functionality of this tool.
  • IEEEtranplus.tex: An optional LaTeX script including additional functionality.
  • examples/simple: A simple example document.
  • examples/detailed: A detailed example showing various aspects of the functionality.

Legal Notice

This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE! User assumes all risk. In no event shall the IEEE or any contributor to this code be liable for any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental, consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse of any information contained here.

All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the IEEE.

This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) ( ) version 1.3, and may be freely used, distributed and modified. A copy of the LPPL, version 1.3, is included in the base LaTeX documentation of all distributions of LaTeX released 2003/12/01 or later. Retain all contribution notices and credits.


A verbose LaTeX Bibliography Style (bst) with local file links for collecting and organizing references






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