Device Language Message Specification (DLMS) dissector plugin for Wireshark. Dissects DLMS APDUs in HDLC frames, IEC 61334-4-32 frames, wrapper frames, or raw data.
Common uses:
- Dissect DLMS protocol in UDP packets with destination port 4059 (the IANA assigned DLMS port), either captured live or imported from a pcap file or hex dump
- Dissect DLMS protocol sent to the external capture program udpdump, listening on any port, with payload type set to DLMS (see for a pre-compiled version of udpdump that works in Windows)
- Dissect DLMS protocol handed off by custom dissectors
- Install the Wireshark development libraries: sudo apt-get install wireshark-dev
- Compile the plugin: sh
- Copy the plugin to the Wireshark plugins directory: sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/wireshark/plugins/2.4.5/
Copy the pre-compiled dlms.dll plugin file to your Wireshark plugins directory (usually C:\Program Files\Wireshark\plugins\2.6\epan\dlms.dll).
To compile the dlms.dll plugin yourself:
- Compile the Wireshark source code for Windows, as described in
- Edit the build.bat file and adjust the directory paths as necessary
- Run build.bat
These files are distributed under the same license as Wireshark (the GNU General Public License version 2).