A simple attempt to put order to the collection of scripts that I use on a daily basis.
I really like how simple is to create Worksheets usign ClosedXML assembly. So I wrote this little function to produce xlsx files from the pipeline. ClosedXML can add a DataTable as a Worksheet and I heavily use that feature to dump complete resultsets, so this function also accepts an array of DataTables.
Some helper functions for common task executed on git repositories. Although function names were defined to honor the aproved PS verb list, I defined alias that are more clear.
Find-GitCurrentBranch (Alias: GitCurrentBranch) : Returns the name of the branch currently checked out
Request-GitBranch (Alias: GitCheckout) : Checks out the specified branch if it's not already checked out and returns an informative message
Sync-GitLocalRepository (Alias: GitFetch) : Executes a git Fetch and returns an informative status string (behind, up-to-date or ahead)
Merge-GitWorkspaceFromRemote (Alias: GitPull) : Executes a Pull and returns the command output
Get-GitFileLastCommit (Alias: GitFileLastCommit) : Gets the last commit date from a file at UTC 0