Setup a single-tenant docker container complete with Wordpress FPM, Nginx, MySQL, Certbot, and Redis
Create your .env (see example.env)
To initialize your ssl certificate run the following
export NGINX_CONFIG_FILE=nginx.challenge.conf && \
docker compose up -d webserver
docker compose run --rm certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/certbot/ --dry-run
Note: --dry-run is included for testing purposes, remove it once you have tested your setup
Once you have the certificate, reset your NGINX_CONFIG_FILE to the default
export NGINX_CONFIG_FILE=nginx.conf && \
docker compose up -d webserver
Renew the certificate
docker compose run --rm certbot renew
Test and reload nginx
docker compose exec webserver nginx -t && \
docker compose exec webserver nginx -s reload
You can use the included in crontab, make sure to change the paths as needed
0 5 * * * /var/www/