Small and simple configuration synchronization server for Tabby with support for multiple users (synctokens) and Tabby configs. It includes a built-in admin website to manage the synctokens.
- Runs as a single container (or executable)
- Built-in admin portal website
- Requires an admin token to view/create/delete syntokens
- Can easily be completely disabled for extra security
- Built-in database that requires no extra setup or configuration (bbolt db)
- Very simple configuration
- Generate admin token for accessing the admin API (environment variable)
- Generate .Tabby synctokens via built-in admin portal (a few mouse clicks)
- Configure Tabby (fill in two values and press some buttons)
- Securing the API connection can be done by any frontend (web)proxy of your own choice
- Very small size and footprint: docker image is less than 4 MBytes
Assume tabby-sync-server runs on the same host as Tabby. So it is directly reachable via the address
Generate a UUIDv4 identifier (E.g. on E.g.
This identifier is used as authorization token for the admin API and should be kept secret. -
Start the container
docker run --name tabby-sync-server -v ./tabby-sync:/data -e "ADMIN_KEY=f87f61f8-b173-485f-bc04-9655c74afc0d" -e "LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG" -p 8080:8080 proplab/tabby-sync-server:latest
Remark: Running like this in a production setup is not recommended since the connection is not encrypted. See "Installation->Docker compose" below for a more secure way with a frontend proxy.
Surf to to access the admin portal. Click on 'Admin' and enter the configured admin token.
Click on "Create Sync Token" and copy the generated information.
Open settings and goto 'Config Sync'
Fill in the required parameters
Sync host
The url to the tabby-sync-server. If running on the same host eg. Sync Token
The new synctoken generated in the step above
Click on
Upload as new config
and choose a name for your configuration. Your configuration is now uploaded and visible as a config -
Turn on
Sync automatically
This service is designed to run in a containerized environment. All settings are provided via environment variables and no config file is needed.
It is possible to add extra information to the Sync host URL field in Tabby.
This information will be visible in the logs of tabby-sync-service and can be used to distinguish individual clients (e.g. for debugging).
Suppose tabby-sync-service listens on
On my laptop I can enter as sync host, and on my desktop
In the tabby-sync-server logs, there will be an extra field clientinfo that contains the specific tabby instance making the request or change (e.g. clientinfo="mydesktop").
Note: The max length is 32 characters and special characters are stripped or escaped.
Variable | Default | Description |
LOG_LEVEL | INFO | Verbosity of the logs. Possible values are: DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR. DEBUG level will show all received http requests |
ADMIN_KEY | - | If set, the admin API will be enabled and allow to add/remove/view synctokens. If not set, the admin portal and API are completely disabled |
DB_FILE | /data/configstore.db | Name and location of the database file (bbolt db) inside the container. Normally there is no reason to change this |
HTTP_ADDRESS | :8080 | Address on which the server will listen |
For new installations, it is mandatory to at least configure ADMIN_KEY temporarily and add at least 1 synctoken
Authentication is performed by means of the Authorization HTTP header with the ADMIN_KEY as bearer token
Path | Method | Description |
/api/admin/synctokens | GET | Get a list of all synctokens |
/api/admin/synctokens | POST | Create a new synctoken. The id is generated and returned in the response |
/api/admin/synctokens/:id | DELETE | Delete the specified synctoken and all the associated configs |
Remark: The admin API is only available if ADMIN_KEY is set
Add new synctoken
curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: bearer f87f61f8-b173-485f-bc04-9655c74afc0d"
{ "msg": "synctoken created", "synctoken": "62a28a5e-5bb3-41f9-a2fb-12682e5f12cd" }
List all synctokens
curl -H "Authorization: bearer f87f61f8-b173-485f-bc04-9655c74afc0d"
{ "msg": "List of all synctokens", "synctokens": [ "62a28a5e-5bb3-41f9-a2fb-12682e5f12cd", "6be5c35e-fa60-4460-bebc-01fba0e47c95" ] }
Delete synctoken
curl -XDELETE -H "Authorization: bearer f87f61f8-b173-485f-bc04-9655c74afc0d"
{ "msg": "synctoken deleted", "synctoken": "62a28a5e-5bb3-41f9-a2fb-12682e5f12cd" }
docker run --name tabby-sync-server -v ./tabby-sync:/data -e "ADMIN_KEY=f87f61f8-b173-485f-bc04-9655c74afc0d" -e "LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG" proplab/tabby-sync-server:latest
Remark: Not recommended
hostname: "tabby-sync-server"
container_name: "tabby-sync-server"
image: "proplab/tabby-sync-server:latest"
- "ADMIN_KEY=f87f61f8-b173-485f-bc04-9655c74afc0d"
- "./tabby-sync-server:/data"
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.http.routers.tabby_sync_server.rule=Host(``)"
- "traefik.http.routers.tabby_sync_server.entrypoints=websecure"
restart: "unless-stopped"
driver: journald
tag: "docker-{{.Name}}"
Frontend proxy configuration (traefik) is not shown since it depends on your own setup and preferences. But examples can be found online (e.g.
In my case:
- Traefik terminates the https connection and provides free TLS certificates (ZeroSSL) to properly setup a secure connection
- The service is directly reachable via
- This container will log everything directly to journald (and not to the normal docker log target). This is not mandatory and can be omitted.