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Lines SVG chart Library

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About the project

LinesSvg is a financial chart library based on snapsvg. You can use it to create HTML5 forex/stock charts. The library support standart time based graphics(linear, sma, ema ...), toolset for end users to draw(hints, notes, signals) and create snapshots in PNG or Canvas format.

Supported charts:

  1. Linear
  2. Japan candlestick
  3. Simple Moving Average(SMA)
  4. Exponential Moving Average(EMA)

Drawing feature:

  1. Rectangle
  2. Circle
  3. Line
  4. Text
  5. Pointer


  1. Npm npm install lines-svg

  2. From repo

$ git clone
$ cd project_folder
$ npm install
$ npm run build

Demo and initialize snippet

linesSVG charts Demo

const chartData = [
  [1.1, 1.1, 1.3, 1.2, 1588368812844]
]; // ohlc Data with timestamp
const l = new Lines(elementID);;

Running Tests

Install development dependencies:

$ npm install


$ npm run test


Interface and functions signature are :

  1. Constructor Lines("elementID"), expect argument to be existing DOM svg element with elementID.
  2. method expect dataSet to be Array with particular structure ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'timestamp'].
  3. Instance.draw(type) method, expect/support: all, line, candle, sma, ema type of charts. Default value is all.
  4. Library support also end user draw of lines, arrows, tunels.


  1. Transfer library to typescript & use the option to modulize it. Export some of the properties to different file.
npm run build:watch
npm start
IP : 5000 / example/build.html