This repo contains slides, content or references as published by the speaker after the talk.
- Software Architecture for Developers - Simon Brown
- Think Reactive - Roman Melnyk
- Ultra short time to market with AI? It is possible! - Stefan van den Borre
- Give (native) mobile development speed with React Native - Puck van Osch & Wouter van den Broek
- How GitHub builds GitHub - Bas Peters
- From Java to Kotlin: the adventures of a smooth migration - Paulien van Alst
- Full infrastructure as code and CI/CD using AWS Elastic Container Service, who needs Kubernetes? - Mark van Holsteijn
- Generating Video Thumbnails Using Deep Neural Networks - Jeroen Wijering
- Monads Explained for OOP Developers - Mikhail Shilkov
- From EventStorming to CoDDDing - João Rosa & Kenny Baas
- Come listen to me, I’m a fraud! A story on success, impostor syndrome and self-inflicted, perpetually non-existent comfort zone - Joep Piscaer
- Writing a Reactive Cloud-Friendly Kinesis Client with Spring and Reactor - Nikola Yovchev
- Skyrocketing Development Of Your Microservices With Micronaut- Hubert Klein Ikkink
- Serverless @ Studyportals: A Bird’s-eye View - Daniel Papukchiev
- Docker tips for Cloud Native Java Developers - Aparna Chaudhary
- Eclipse MicroProfile: A new standard for building Microservices? - Edwin Derks
- Unidirectional Data Flow Architecture: From Swift to JS and Back Again - Stefan van den Oord
- Over-engineering: The hidden monster - Mete Bulutay
- Creating a brain to outsmart a baby - Marianne Schimmel
- Property based testing in Elixir - Luc Tielen