This tool formats a Snail Export into a nice overview for you current features:
- Order by Customer
- Sum up customer work time
- Calculated time for your bill ( eg. round up to half hours )
- Sum up calculated work time
- Display only completed
- Calculate your money outcome
- Enable and Disable columns in your output
Currently this is CommandLine only, but if someone is interested in a graphical version it is not that hard to write ;).
I am in contact with Vadim from SnailApp to automate a few things!
git clone && cd SnailReporter
In order to run the SnailReporter you need to format your tracked time entries like this:
[Customers Name] What you did.
In order to run this package you need to create a CSV Export out of Snail. Click on Snail Icon, Settings and click on "Export...".
java -jar bin/SnailWorkTimeHelper.jar Path/To/Export.csv [--optionName=value]
defaults 0
- If set shows calculated money for each entry and customer.
defaults 5500
- Money you get per hour in cents
defaults 3600
- Minimal amount if time to caclulate your work into. ( eg. You work 27 Minutes and would love to calculate only half hours ) in seconds.
defaults 1
- Shows startTime column for task
defaults 1
- Shows stopTime column for tasks
defaults 1
- Shows status column for tasks
defaults 1
- Shows normal time column for tasks
defaults 1
- Shows calculated time column for tasks ( see also timeIntervals )
defaults 0
- Ignores tasks with status different than"Completed"
In my opinion it would make a lot easier if we'd have an API available in SnailApp. Those are the required features:
- Generate CVS Export via CLI Command
- Add Fields ( eg. Payable[Checkbox], Customer[Textfield with AutoComplete?] )
If you are missing a feature don't hesitate to open an issue or add a pull request!
This project is running under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. If you need any informations about this please read LICENSE file.
Bastian Bringenberg
- 0.9.8 - 29.03.2014: First Version, no clean code and no code documentation!