This is a simple demonstation of Conway's Game of Life. This application is built using Python-Bottle backend and a simple Javascript based frontend.
There is a standalone python bottle server that is listening to port 1337
Execute ./
Point your browser to localhost:1337
Start the Jasmine server on port 1338:
$ jasmine -p 1338
Point your browser to localhost:1338
I have put out a docker image of this application, based on latest ubuntu image with apache and python. The image is available as "bbcstar/game-of-life-wfe"
If you have docker installed, you can run a container using this image using the following command
$ docker run -d --name game-of-life-wfe1 -p 1337:80 bbcstar/game-of-life-wfe /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND
The container listens to port 1337. You can test the setup $ curl localhost:1337/test
If you get a response 'Alive', you can point your browser to localhost:1337 and try out the application.