The project manages files and directories to remote servers. The main pages wants register to your server information. Afterthat the new page open and you can see files and directories.
You can delete, upload, create, download the all matters. The system on development mode right now. So you're just using for development.
I used PostgreSQL 11 you should use upper versions of PostgreSQL.
You need to install the python3-dev package in debian or Redhat systems.
sudo apt install python3-dev
sudo yum install python3-dev
Virtualenv should be install in system.
virtualenv cloud
. cloud/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
PostgreSQL wants to access to cloud database. So, you need create user, password and database for clouds.
create user TEST with password 'TEST'
create database cloudpanel owner TEST;
Tables need to create in PostgreSQL. You should run this command.
python migrate
Super user purpose access to admin page. That wants to information of admin user.
python createsuperuser
Run the web application;
python runserver