It is intended for Linux especially.
Watch live Cricket Matches on the taskbar or terminal.
Watch live IPL Scores live on the terminal and it will be sugar on the butter if you use i3wm and i3blocks. Because I have configured it to be compatible to i3blocks.. You can use it any way you can by just few lines of code.
It shows the latest match as menu and you need to select a match to see watch it. You need to install rofi for this.
- jq
- pup
- rofi
Install these three dependencies first. On arch you can do:
yay -S jq pup rofi
If you are on debian system, please follow installation methods respectively
You can clone this repository and add path variable to this folder
git clone
export PATH="$PATH:{pwd}/ipl-livescores-bash"
Append the PATH to .bashrc.
If you don't know how to do it you can google it.
Sample 1
This is how you select match.
As soon as you run file this promt will appear with recent matches , live matches and upcoming matches.
Sample 2
After you select match, it will start live updating in the taskbar if you have similar config of i3blocks like mine..
Else you can view live updating scores on terminal
Sample 3
Sample 4
Sample 5
Closer Look
You can give your suggestions and feedbacks from any social platforms. You can open issues if you use it and want any improvements.