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Merge pull request rodjek#91 from puppetlabs/CONT-670-add_legacy_fact…
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(CONT-670) Add legacy facts check
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GSPatton authored Feb 27, 2023
2 parents b56672d + b3d4e1c commit 742187e
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Showing 2 changed files with 603 additions and 0 deletions.
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions lib/puppet-lint/plugins/legacy_facts/legacy_facts.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# Public: A puppet-lint custom check to detect legacy facts.
# This check will optionally convert from legacy facts like $::operatingsystem
# or legacy hashed facts like $facts['operatingsystem'] to the
# new structured facts like $facts['os']['name'].
# This plugin was adopted in to puppet-lint from
# Thanks to @mmckinst, @seanmil, @rodjek, @baurmatt, @bart2 and @joshcooper for the original work.
PuppetLint.new_check(:legacy_facts) do

# These facts that can't be converted to new facts.
UNCONVERTIBLE_FACTS = ['memoryfree_mb', 'memorysize_mb', 'swapfree_mb',
'swapsize_mb', 'blockdevices', 'interfaces', 'zones',
'sshfp_dsa', 'sshfp_ecdsa', 'sshfp_ed25519',

# These facts will depend on how a system is set up and can't just be
# enumerated like the EASY_FACTS below.
# For example a server might have two block devices named 'sda' and 'sdb' so
# there would be a $blockdeivce_sda_vendor and $blockdeivce_sdb_vendor fact
# for each device. Or it could have 26 block devices going all the way up to
# 'sdz'. There is no way to know what the possibilities are so we have to use
# a regex to match them.
REGEX_FACTS = [%r{^blockdevice_(?<devicename>.*)_(?<attribute>model|size|vendor)$},

# These facts have a one to one correlation between a legacy fact and a new
# structured fact.
'architecture' => "facts['os']['architecture']",
'augeasversion' => "facts['augeas']['version']",
'bios_release_date' => "facts['dmi']['bios']['release_date']",
'bios_vendor' => "facts['dmi']['bios']['vendor']",
'bios_version' => "facts['dmi']['bios']['version']",
'boardassettag' => "facts['dmi']['board']['asset_tag']",
'boardmanufacturer' => "facts['dmi']['board']['manufacturer']",
'boardproductname' => "facts['dmi']['board']['product']",
'boardserialnumber' => "facts['dmi']['board']['serial_number']",
'chassisassettag' => "facts['dmi']['chassis']['asset_tag']",
'chassistype' => "facts['dmi']['chassis']['type']",
'domain' => "facts['networking']['domain']",
'fqdn' => "facts['networking']['fqdn']",
'gid' => "facts['identity']['group']",
'hardwareisa' => "facts['processors']['isa']",
'hardwaremodel' => "facts['os']['hardware']",
'hostname' => "facts['networking']['hostname']",
'id' => "facts['identity']['user']",
'ipaddress' => "facts['networking']['ip']",
'ipaddress6' => "facts['networking']['ip6']",
'lsbdistcodename' => "facts['os']['distro']['codename']",
'lsbdistdescription' => "facts['os']['distro']['description']",
'lsbdistid' => "facts['os']['distro']['id']",
'lsbdistrelease' => "facts['os']['distro']['release']['full']",
'lsbmajdistrelease' => "facts['os']['distro']['release']['major']",
'lsbminordistrelease' => "facts['os']['distro']['release']['minor']",
'lsbrelease' => "facts['os']['distro']['release']['specification']",
'macaddress' => "facts['networking']['mac']",
'macosx_buildversion' => "facts['os']['build']",
'macosx_productname' => "facts['os']['product']",
'macosx_productversion' => "facts['os']['version']['full']",
'macosx_productversion_major' => "facts['os']['version']['major']",
'macosx_productversion_minor' => "facts['os']['version']['minor']",
'manufacturer' => "facts['dmi']['manufacturer']",
'memoryfree' => "facts['memory']['system']['available']",
'memorysize' => "facts['memory']['system']['total']",
'netmask' => "facts['networking']['netmask']",
'netmask6' => "facts['networking']['netmask6']",
'network' => "facts['networking']['network']",
'network6' => "facts['networking']['network6']",
'operatingsystem' => "facts['os']['name']",
'operatingsystemmajrelease' => "facts['os']['release']['major']",
'operatingsystemrelease' => "facts['os']['release']['full']",
'osfamily' => "facts['os']['family']",
'physicalprocessorcount' => "facts['processors']['physicalcount']",
'processorcount' => "facts['processors']['count']",
'productname' => "facts['dmi']['product']['name']",
'rubyplatform' => "facts['ruby']['platform']",
'rubysitedir' => "facts['ruby']['sitedir']",
'rubyversion' => "facts['ruby']['version']",
'selinux' => "facts['os']['selinux']['enabled']",
'selinux_config_mode' => "facts['os']['selinux']['config_mode']",
'selinux_config_policy' => "facts['os']['selinux']['config_policy']",
'selinux_current_mode' => "facts['os']['selinux']['current_mode']",
'selinux_enforced' => "facts['os']['selinux']['enforced']",
'selinux_policyversion' => "facts['os']['selinux']['policy_version']",
'serialnumber' => "facts['dmi']['product']['serial_number']",
'swapencrypted' => "facts['memory']['swap']['encrypted']",
'swapfree' => "facts['memory']['swap']['available']",
'swapsize' => "facts['memory']['swap']['total']",
'system32' => "facts['os']['windows']['system32']",
'uptime' => "facts['system_uptime']['uptime']",
'uptime_days' => "facts['system_uptime']['days']",
'uptime_hours' => "facts['system_uptime']['hours']",
'uptime_seconds' => "facts['system_uptime']['seconds']",
'uuid' => "facts['dmi']['product']['uuid']",
'xendomains' => "facts['xen']['domains']",
'zonename' => "facts['solaris_zones']['current']",

# A list of valid hash key token types
:STRING, # Double quoted string
:SSTRING, # Single quoted string
:NAME, # Unquoted single word

def check { |x| LEGACY_FACTS_VAR_TYPES.include?(x.type) }.each do |token|
fact_name = ''

# Get rid of the top scope before we do our work. We don't need to
# preserve it because it won't work with the new structured facts.
if token.value.start_with?('::')
fact_name = token.value.sub(%r{^::}, '')

# This matches using legacy facts in a the new structured fact. For
# example this would match 'uuid' in $facts['uuid'] so it can be converted
# to facts['dmi']['product']['uuid']"
elsif token.value == 'facts'
fact_name = hash_key_for(token)

elsif token.value.start_with?("facts['")
fact_name = token.value.match(%r{facts\['(.*)'\]})[1]

next unless EASY_FACTS.include?(fact_name) || UNCONVERTIBLE_FACTS.include?(fact_name) || fact_name.match(Regexp.union(REGEX_FACTS))
notify :warning, {
message: "legacy fact '#{fact_name}'",
line: token.line,
column: token.column,
token: token,
fact_name: fact_name,

# If the variable is using the $facts hash represented internally by multiple
# tokens, this helper simplifies accessing the hash key.
def hash_key_for(token)
lbrack_token = token.next_code_token
return '' unless lbrack_token && lbrack_token.type == :LBRACK

key_token = lbrack_token.next_code_token
return '' unless key_token && HASH_KEY_TYPES.include?(key_token.type)


def fix(problem)
fact_name = problem[:fact_name]

# Check if the variable is using the $facts hash represented internally by
# multiple tokens and remove the tokens for the old legacy key if so.
if problem[:token].value == 'facts'
loop do
t = problem[:token].next_token
break if t.type == :RBRACK

if EASY_FACTS.include?(fact_name)
problem[:token].value = EASY_FACTS[fact_name]
elsif fact_name.match(Regexp.union(REGEX_FACTS))
if (m = fact_name.match(%r{^blockdevice_(?<devicename>.*)_(?<attribute>model|size|vendor)$}))
problem[:token].value = "facts['disks']['" << m['devicename'] << "']['" << m['attribute'] << "']"
elsif (m = fact_name.match(%r{^(?<attribute>ipaddress|ipaddress6|macaddress|mtu|netmask|netmask6|network|network6)_(?<interface>.*)$}))
problem[:token].value = "facts['networking']['interfaces']['" << m['interface'] << "']['" << m['attribute'].sub('address', '') << "']"
elsif (m = fact_name.match(%r{^processor(?<id>[0-9]+)$}))
problem[:token].value = "facts['processors']['models'][" << m['id'] << ']'
elsif (m = fact_name.match(%r{^sp_(?<name>.*)$}))
problem[:token].value = "facts['system_profiler']['" << m['name'] << "']"
elsif (m = fact_name.match(%r{^ssh(?<algorithm>dsa|ecdsa|ed25519|rsa)key$}))
problem[:token].value = "facts['ssh']['" << m['algorithm'] << "']['key']"
elsif (m = fact_name.match(%r{^ldom_(?<name>.*)$}))
problem[:token].value = "facts['ldom']['" << m['name'] << "']"
elsif (m = fact_name.match(%r{^zone_(?<name>.*)_(?<attribute>brand|iptype|name|uuid|id|path|status)$}))
problem[:token].value = "facts['solaris_zones']['zones']['" << m['name'] << "']['" << m['attribute'] << "']"

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