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100% intact wetlands in the Southeast US Conifer Savannas Ecoregion providing primary Core Benefits of Habitat, Resilience, Clean Water, Clean Air, Water Abundance, and Climate Stability. This 83 acre property features a mixed hardwood swamp with limited physical access. This gem qualifies for Ecological Ensurance and we are actively seeking Ensurers and selling Certificates of Ensurance.
FLOWS: $1,449,703
STOCKS: $294,250
Natural Cap Rate: 493%
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Core Benefits Values" %} {% embed url="" %}
Source: The RealValue of Natural Capital Framework {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Ecosystem Values" %} {% embed url="" %}
Source: The RealValue of Natural Capital Framework {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Relational Value" %} {% embed url="" %} Relational Value of Natural Capital {% endembed %}
Source: The RealValue of Natural Capital Framework {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
83 Acres of Inland Wetland & Temperate Forest
Wetlands & Floodplain
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Ensurance Chart" %} {% embed url="" %}
Source: Ecological Ensurance by BASIN {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Ensurance Premiums" %}
Policy | Annual Premium | Protects Annual RealValue of | Impact Multiple | Discount to RealValue |
ENSURED | $ 13,375 | $ 1,449,703 | 108X | 99% |
ENTRUST 2050 | $ 28,959 | $ 1,449,703 | 50X | 98% |
ENTRUST 2040 | $ 33,348 | $ 1,449,703 | 43X | 98% |
ENTRUST 2030 | $ 54,946 | $ 1,449,703 | 26X | 96% |
ENTRUST T-ZERO | $ 294,250 | $ 1,449,703 | 5X | 80% |
This Ensurance Policy protects $1,449,703 of annual RealValue of Natural Capital a cost of $13,375 (a 99% discount) BUT this only provides temporary protection year by year. However this is the least expensive option and is a 108X impact multiple on the Ensurance Premium cost! A full Ensurance Policy can always be added at a later date.
This Ensurance Policy protects $1,449,703 of annual RealValue of Natural Capital a cost of $28,959 (which is a 98% discount) from day one and PERMANENTLY protects the ecosystem and the benefits it provides at the end of the policy period in the year 2050 which is 27 years from now. This is a 50X impact multiple on the Ensurance Premium cost!
This Ensurance Policy protects $1,449,703 of annual RealValue of Natural Capital a cost of $33,348 (which is a 98% discount) from day one and PERMANENTLY protects the ecosystem and the benefits it provides at the end of the policy period in the year 2040 which is 17 years from now. This is a 43X impact multiple on the Ensurance Premium cost!
This Ensurance Policy protects $1,449,703 of annual RealValue of Natural Capital a cost of $54,946 (which is a 96% discount) from day one and PERMANENTLY protects the ecosystem and the benefits it provides at the end of the policy period in the year 2030 which is 7 years from now. This is a 26X impact multiple on the Ensurance Premium cost!
This Ensurance Policy protects $1,449,703 of annual RealValue of Natural Capital a cost of $294,250 (which is a 80% discount) from day one and PERMANENTLY protects the ecosystem and the benefits it provides NOW! This is a 5X impact multiple on the Ensurance Premium cost!
Source: Ecological Ensurance by BASIN {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Overview" %}
Ecosystem Summary | wetlands & forest | FLOWS | $1,449,703 |
Ensurance Status | un-ensured | STOCKS | $294,250 |
ac (ha) | 83 (33.59) | Natural Cap Rate | 493% |
Bioregion | Southeast Savannas & Riparian Forests | Relational Value Gap | $ 1,155,453 |
Ecoregion | Southeast US Conifer Savannas | ||
Primary Watershed | Withlacoochee River | ||
Secondary Watershed | Gulf of Mexico | ||
Tertiary Watershed | Atlantic Ocean | ||
.basin | 83-wetlands.basin |
{% tab title="Extent" %}
83 total acres
- Inland Wetlands
- Temperate Forest
Based on the BASIN Ecosystems typology.
The full ecosystem delineation (land cover % breakdown) is available to BASIN Members. {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Characteristics" %}
Permanent lowland rivers (F1.2), Seasonal upland streams (F1.4), Small permanent freshwater lakes (F2.2), Artesian springs and oases (F2.8), Large reservoirs (F3.1), Constructed lacustrine wetlands (F3.2), Canals, ditches and drains (F3.5), Epipelagic ocean waters (M2.1), Aerobic caves (S1.1), Endolithic systems (S1.2), Pyric tussock savannas (T4.2), Annual croplands (T7.1), Sown pastures and fields (T7.2), Plantations (T7.3), Urban and industrial ecosystems (T7.4), Derived semi-natural pastures and old fields (T7.5), Intertidal forests and shrublands (MFT1.2), Coastal shrublands and grasslands (MT2.1), Underground streams and pools (SF1.1), Groundwater ecosystems (SF1.2)
Based on desktop review. Higher resolution needed from IUCN. {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Condition" %}
The site is almost 100% intact wetlands. There is no legal road or other access to the site.
Based on desktop review. {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Indicators" %}
Available to BASIN Members and Ensurance Policyholders. {% endtab %}
{% tab title="On/Off Record" %}
ESV's based off BASIN RealValue Basis v2.
There is no income currently on this property. Certificates of Ensurance is the only source at this time.
- property brochure
- geoJSON
- soils report
- detailed ecosystem / land cover delineation
- per ecosystem RealValues
- Ecological Indicators
- calculations of Ensurance Premiums {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
Property specific Certificates of Ensurance will be issued once the policy is fully underwritten and the ecosystem Ensured. However, these BASIN's fund ecosystem protection and restoration related to this site now:
- American Alligator
- American Black Bear
- Checkered Skipper
- see the whole collection at BASIN CONFLUENCE
To become an Ensurer or an Ensured, or for other questions and inquiries please contact Thomas Morgan, CCIM at 1-970-618-4086 or email / DM.
Information provided herein is subject to License and Disclaimer.