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jcapricebasho edited this page Oct 2, 2013 · 8 revisions

Riak Event Logging


  • Reduce confusion around what commands have been run, and in what order.
  • Log confirmation, status, or progress of a given command to allow the user to more easily determine the success or failure of the command.
  • Provide human readable, actionable event messages that users can leverage to quickly identify issues and take proper action.

This will be accomplished by:

  • Providing riak-admin and riak-repl command audit logging.
  • Providing event logging of the resulting events from the riak-admin and riak-repl commands, noting the success, failure, status, or progress of the command that was run.
  • Logging events with event codes and in plain English, accompanying the error codes with documentation on the message, cause, and action required. The event documentation can later be translated to allow international users to understand events by using only the event code.


riak-repl connect


MDC-001303 COMMAND RUN: Connect to cluster at

MDC-004001 Connection added for remote cluster at

MDC-006001 Connection established to remote cluster, DC_Cluster, at

Multi Data Center Replication

Command Audit Logging

The below logging events are triggered only when riak-repl commands that make changes to the cluster are executed. Commands that retrieve information are not recorded.

riak_repl_console.erl Module Code: 001

Command Function Message
Add Listener add_listener_internal MDC-001201 COMMAND RUN: Add Listener NodeName on IP:Port.
Delete Listener del_listener MDC-001202 COMMAND RUN: Delete Listener NodeName on IP:Port.
Add Site add_site MDC-001203 COMMAND RUN: Add Site SiteName for IP:Port.
Delete Site del_site MDC-001204 COMMAND RUN: Delete Site SiteName.
Add NAT Listener add_nat_listener_internal MDC-001205 COMMAND RUN: Add NAT Listener NodeName on IP:Port using Public address PublicIP:PublicPort.
Start Fullsync start_fullsync MDC-001206 COMMAND RUN: Start Fullsync to all sites.
Cancel Fullsync cancel_fullsync MDC-001207 COMMAND RUN: Cancel Fullsync to all sites.
Pause Fullsync pause_fullsync MDC-001208 COMMAND RUN: Pause Fullsync to all sites.
Resume Fullsync resume_fullsync MDC-001209 COMMAND RUN: Resume Fullsync to all sites.
Command Function Message
Set Replication Modes set_modes MDC-001301 COMMAND RUN: Set replication mode(s) to Modes.
Set Clustername clustername MDC-001302 COMMAND RUN: Set cluster name to ClusterName.
Connect to Cluster connect MDC-001303 COMMAND RUN: Connect to cluster at IP:Port.
Disconnect from Cluster disconnect MDC-001304 COMMAND RUN: Disconnect from cluster at IP:Port.
Disconnect from Cluster disconnect MDC-001305 COMMAND RUN: Disconnect from cluster Remote.
Enable Realtime realtime MDC-001306 COMMAND RUN: Enable Realtime Replication to cluster Remote.
Disable Realtime realtime MDC-001307 COMMAND RUN: Disable Realtime Replication to cluster Remote.
Start Realtime realtime MDC-001308 COMMAND RUN: Start Realtime Replication to cluster Remote.
Start Realtime realtime MDC-001309 COMMAND RUN: Start Realtime Replication to all connected clusters.
Stop Realtime realtime MDC-001310 COMMAND RUN: Stop Realtime Replication to cluster Remote.
Stop Realtime realtime MDC-001311 COMMAND RUN: Stop Realtime Replication to all connected clusters.
Enable Fullsync fullsync MDC-001312 COMMAND RUN: Enable Fullsync Replication to cluster Remote.
Disable Fullsync fullsync MDC-001313 COMMAND RUN: Disable Fullsync Replication to cluster Remote.
Start Fullsync fullsync MDC-001314 COMMAND RUN: Start Fullsync Replication to cluster Remote.
Start Fullsync fullsync MDC-001315 COMMAND RUN: Start Fullsync Replication to all connected clusters.
Stop Fullsync fullsync MDC-001316 COMMAND RUN: Stop Fullsync Replication to cluster Remote.
Stop Fullsync fullsync MDC-001317 COMMAND RUN: Stop Fullsync Replication to all connected clusters.
Set Realtime Cascades to Always realtime_cascades MDC-001318 COMMAND RUN: Enable Realtime Replication cascading.
Set Realtime Cascades to Never realtime_cascades MDC-001319 COMMAND RUN: Disable Realtime Replication cascading.
Add a NAT map add_nat_map MDC-001320 COMMAND RUN: Add a NAT map from External IP ExternalIP to Internal IP InternalIP.
Delete a NAT map del_nat_map MDC-001321 COMMAND RUN: Delete a NAT map from External IP ExternalIP to Internal IP InternalIP.
Enable Riak CS proxy GET proxy_get MDC-001322 COMMAND RUN: Enable Riak CS Proxy GET for Remote
Disable Riak CS proxy GET proxy_get MDC-001323 COMMAND RUN: Disable Riak CS Proxy GET for Remote
Set Fullsync Workers (node, source) max_fssource_node MDC-001324 COMMAND RUN: Set max number of Fullsync workers per Source node to NewVal.
Set Fullsync Workers (cluster, source) max_fssource_cluster MDC-001325 COMMAND RUN: Set max number of Fullsync workers for Source cluster to NewVal.
Set Fullsync Workers (node, sink) max_fssink_node MDC-001326 COMMAND RUN: Set max number of Fullsync works per Sink node to NewVal.

Event Logging


Module Code: 002

Event Function Message
Replication Modes Set set_modes MDC-002001 Replication Mode(s) set to NewModes.
Replication Modes Invalid set_modes MDC-002002 Replication Mode(s) specified (NewModes) are invalid.
Realtime Cascades Set rt_cascades_trans MDC-002003 Realtime replication cascading set to Val.
Riak CS Proxy GET enabled pg_enable_trans MDC-002004 Proxy GET enabled for Riak CS.
Riak CS Proxy GET disabled pg_disable_trans MDC-002005 Proxy GET disabled for Riak CS.
NAT Map Added add_nat_map MDC-002006 NAT Map added for {ExternalIP, InternalIP} - Mapping.
NAT Nap Deleted del_nat_map MDC-002007 NAT Map deleted for {ExternalIP, InternalIP} - Mapping.


Module Code: 004

Event Function Message
Cluster Connection Added ensure_remote_connection MDC-004001 Connection added for remote cluster IP:Port.


Module Code: 005

Event Function Message
Cluster Connection Removed remove_remote_connection MDC-005001 Connection removed for remote cluster Remote.


Module Code: 006

Event Function Message
Cluster Connection Established ctrlClientProcess MDC-006001 Connection established to remote cluster, RemoteName, at Addr. (IP:Port need to be taken from Addr.)
Cluster Connection Failed ctrlClientProcess MDC-006002 Connection failed to remote cluster RemoteName.

riak_core_connection.erl (riak_core)

Event Function Message
Clustername Set set_symbolic_clustername MDC-% Cluster name set to ClusterName.


Module Code: 008

Event Function Message
Realtime Replication Enabled enable MDC-008001 Realtime replication enabled for remote cluster Remote.
Realtime Replication Disabled disable MDC-008002 Realtime replication disabled for remote cluster Remote.
Realtime Replication Started start MDC-008003 Realtime replication started for remote cluster Remote.
Realtime Replication Stopped stop MDC-008004 Realtime replication stopped for remote cluster Remote.
Realtime Queue Overloaded maybe_flip_overload MDC-008005 Realtime replication queue overloaded.


Module Code: 010

Event Function Message
Realtime Source connection Success handle_call(connected) MDC-010001 Realtime replication connection established to Sink cluster Remote at peername(State2).
Realtime Source connection Failure handle_call(connect_failed) MDC-010002 Realtime replication connection failed to Sink cluster Remote.
TCP Connection Closed handle_info(Closed) MDC-010003 Realtime replication connection closed to Sink cluster Remote at peername(State).
TCP Connection Error handle_info(Error) MDC-010004 Realtime replication error in connection to Sink cluster Remote at peername(State).
Heartbeat Timeout handle_info(heartbeat_timeout) MDC-010005 Realtime replication heartbeat timeout to Sink cluster Remote at peername(State).
Error received from Sink recv MDC-010006 Realtime replication error received from Sink cluster Name at peername(State).


Module Code: 012

Event Function Message
TCP Connection Closed handle_info(Closed) MDC-012001 Realtime replication connection closed to Source cluster Remote at peername(State).
TCP Connection Error handle_info(Error) MDC-012002 Realtime replication error in connection to Source cluster Remote at peername(State).


Module Code: 013

Event Function Message
Fullsync Replication Enabled start_coord MDC-013001 Fullsync replication enabled for remote cluster Remote.
Fullsync Replication Disabled stop_coord MDC-013002 Fullsync replication disabled for remote cluster Remote.


Module Code: 014

Event Function Message
Fullsync Replication Started handle_cast(start_fullsync) MDC-014001 Fullsync replication started for remote cluster State#state.other_cluster.
Fullsync Replication Stopped handle_cast(stop_fullsync) MDC-014002 Fullsync replication stopped for remote cluster State#state.other_cluster.


Module Code: 016

Event Function Message
Fullsync Connected for Partition handle_call(connected) MDC-016001 Fullsync replication for Partition: Partition connected to Sink cluster State#state.cluster at IP.
Fullsync Connection Failed for Partition handle_cast(connect_failed) MDC-016002 Fullsync replication connection FAILED to Sink cluster cluster for Partition: State#state.partition.
Fullsync Completed for Partition handle_cast(fullsync_complete) MDC-016003 Fullsync replication complete for Partition: State#state.partition. to Sink cluster Cluster.
TCP Connection Closed handle_info(Closed) MDC-016004 Fullsync replication connection CLOSED to Sink cluster State#state.cluster for Partition: State#state.partition.
TCP Connection Error handle_info(Error) MDC-016005 Fullsync replication connection ERROR to Sink cluster State#state.cluster for Partition: State#state.partition.


Module Code: 018

Event Function Message
TCP Connection Closed handle_info(Closed) MDC-018001 Fullsync replication connection CLOSED to Source cluster State#state.cluster.
TCP Connection Error handle_info(Error) MDC-018002 Fullsync replication connection ERROR to Source cluster State#state.cluster.