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Bashar Astifan edited this page May 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the RetrixGold wiki!

How to start?


You need to install the following before installing RetriXGold:

  • Certificate RetriX.UWP_3.0.0.0_[x64 / x86 / ARM].crt as Local Machine->Trusted People


  • Then install all packages in Dependencies folder
  • Now you can install RetriX.UWP_3.0.0.0_[x64 / x86 / ARM].appx

for more extra details click here

Setup games folder

Games Root

If you already organized your games into folders by console name you can select the root folder as Games root from the main page


RetriXGold will try to match your folders names with the consoles

Custom folder

You can always select specific games folder for the selected console from "Main->Management"


This folder will override any folder selected from the root (if any)

Core Tools

You can perform many actions with the selected system (backup, restore..etc)


Screen Scale

Due to various consoles RetriXGold cannot ensure that the screen size is perfect as the user need

there is already built-in 'Auto Fit' function to keep the output scaled

but you can change these settings in-game from 'Custom Scale' dialog


The dialog will contain scale, offset, and aspect ratio settings


These settings will be saved for the current console except if you choose to save it for the current game only.

In-Game Menu

The default shortcut for In-Game menu is:

  • XBox Left Thumbstick
  • PC Number 6
  • Touch Gear Icon at the bottom

You can customize the a lot of things:

  • GamePad controls
  • GamePads ports mapping
  • Keyboard controls
  • Core options
  • Debug Tool
  • and more


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